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Mini framework to add mvc to wordpress development, this will add MVC + some other helpers and tools and a folder structure to keep your code as clean as posible. This project uses a ideas and code from Yii Framework , in fact what i needed was to speed up my development process and i choose to take the ideas i like in Yii. So if you are a Yii programer this will be easy to understand for you and if you are not this mini-framework respects MVC.


Download the repo to Wordpress plugin folder and install as a regular plugin

Folder Structure

/controllers Here you will store your controllers, default action will be index

/css Contains the css files you need /font Fonts for your application

/helpers Some Helper Clases and simple widgets

/includes Base classes for controllers, models etc..

/js JavaScript files for your application

/libs External libs

/models Your Active Record models

/rest Controllers for RESTFULL

/views Views containing the HTML you may will render from your controllers

/widgets Wordpress widgets for extending your application


Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY