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Releases: iseahound/ImagePut


02 Mar 21:07
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32-bit stability fixes, ImageSearchAll(), PixelSearchAll()

ImagePutBuffer Changes

  • PixelSearchAll and ImageSearchAll can now return multiple matches
  • PixelSearch supports searching for a color with 3 variations (red, blue, green)
  • Transcolor() and Colorkey() now select the top-left pixel by default
  • Add Clone() to create a duplicate bitmap
  • [v1] Fix crop method
  • Save() now works even if the image width and height is updated

Other Changes

  • ImagePut is now stable on AutoHotkey 32-bit versions!
    • Fixed GIF rendering
    • Fixed thrown errors with "cdecl"
  • [v2] You can now drag and drop multiple images onto ImagePut.ahk to show them without closing previous windows.
  • Dragging one animated GIF no longer pauses other animated GIFs

Note: AutoHotkey v1 ANSI is still supported, although unicode characters will appear garbled.


06 Nov 04:57
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New features:

  • ImagePutSafeArray() - Stores the image into a safe array
  • ImagePutExplorer() - Copies an image into the last active windows explorer folder


  • Major improvements to ImageSearch including the ability to ignore transparency in the search image
  • PixelSearch now has variation, and can search ARGB ranges (for each individual red bluegreen alpha channel)
  • (v2) Buffers can now be enumerated over with a for loop as in for x, y, color in ImagePutBuffer(0)
  • Buffers can save() a raw bitmap
  • Monitor numbers 0, 1, 2, 3... now have a higher priority over other image types

Possible Breaking Change

  • Filenames now have priority over window titles. This means that if there is a file named "photo.png" and a window title with the name "photo.png" the file will be used. This resolves possible unintuitive behavior where if a file open is in a photo editor, a screenshot of the photo editor would take priority over the actual file.


17 Jun 22:16
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Bugfixes for Animated GIFs

  • Gifs were animating 10-20% slower than they should have
  • Sometimes animated GIFs were not deleted causing a memory leak
  • GDI+ was not loaded for the full duration of the animated GIF

Drag and drop functionality

  • Dropping images onto ImagePut.ahk now opens the corresponding images

New (and cuter) demo.ahk in GitHub folder!
Better Sample.ahk included.


14 Jun 21:21
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Animate GIFs

  • GIFs are now animated by ImageShow and ImagePutWindow
  • ImagePutURI produces base64 data with a MIME type
  • ImageDestroy supports releasing WIC bitmaps


  • 10x speed set_hex
  • Partial arrays allowed in ImagePutScreenshot(img, [0,0])
  • Patched small memory leak with mime type detection
  • (v2) Closing one window no longer closes all windows


  • Add ImageSearch, Colorkey, SetAlpha, Transcolor
  • Ability to crop and return a new buffer
  • show() → ImageShow; show(1) → ImagePutWindow
  • Add PixelSearch variation


24 Apr 18:37
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Added PixelSearch. Supports WICBitmaps.

  • Add ImageWidth() and ImageHeight().
  • Implement PixelSearch for ImagePutBuffer.
  • Extend ImagePutBuffer with width and height properties.
  • Support new conversion type wicBitmap.
  • Keyword arguments are now passed to from_XXX functions.
  • Positional arguments have always been passed to put_XXX functions.

Improvements and Bugfixes

  • Allow special syntax ImagePutFile(0) to generate a sequence of files.
  • Stream header size increased to use 256 bytes for extension detection.
  • Use the native DPI awareness of the window to prevent black borders.
  • No longer locks files while reading.
  • Increase speed reading from files.
  • 2x speed converting to and from base64 and hex.
  • 3x speed when input type is a sprite.
  • {image: foo} is now accepted everywhere.
  • Read from IWICBitmapSource and IWICBitmap.


01 Feb 19:32
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DPI-awareness and multi-monitor support.

  • Screen capture is now DPI aware.
  • Window capture can now capture windows in different DPI contexts.
  • Monitor number inputs 0, 1, 2, now capture the full screen.
  • wallpaper now captures all wallpapers to the right of the primary screen.
  • ImageShow/ImagePutWindow no longer scale their contents to in different DPI contexts.
  • ImageShow/ImagePutWindow will always center the window regardless of screen DPI.


  • ImagePutWindow(2) never actually worked for monitor numbers greater than 1.
  • Restore ImagePutWindow() alpha transparency. (Broken by v1.5)
  • Fix ImagePut("window", image) missing default window styles.
  • Accepts Device Context hdc inputs with device independent bitmaps selected.
  • hBitmaps that are selected onto a device context can now be copied.

Minor Adjustments

  • Cropping to zero width or height correctly returns the original image.
  • Fixes incorrect window width and height created by ImageShow().
  • Small windows created by ImageShow() were unable to be closed via right click.
  • The filepath parameter of ImagePutFile() now accepts forward slashes.
  • Cropping no longer occurs when coordinates are identical to the source image.
  • Decreased minimum string lengths for auto detection of base64 and hex data.
  • Hex string lengths are checked for a divisibility of 2.


08 Jan 05:55
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Fixed Image Scaling on AutoHotkey v1 scripts.


07 Jan 22:07
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Add ImageShow()

  • ImageShow will display an image without a titlebar.
  • Add new Windows 10 cursors IDC_PIN, IDC_PERSON, and IDC_HANDWRITING.
  • Extend ImagePutWindow to accept window coordinates.
  • ImagePutBuffer works again on v2.


02 Jan 02:28
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Support for PDF files.

  • To process PDF pages use ImagePutWindow({pdf: "doc.pdf", index: 2}).
  • Speed up processing of PNG streams on the clipboard.
  • Added a new function ImageDestroy() to cleanup images.
  • Now supports custom resolutions as scale:[width, height].


  • Obsolete cursors were causing memory leaks.
  • Fixed put_window memory leaks.
  • Sometimes top-level directories were created from a filepath.
  • Output of ImagePutFile no longer has double backslashes.
  • Downloading over the internet is now asynchronous.


19 Oct 03:15
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Supports crop and scale better.

  • Crop and scale is now accessible through the input object.
  • ImagePutWindow will scale down images to screen size. Also, right click to close.
  • Can now use a device context (dc) as an input and output type.


  • Reenable file format conversions like .png → .jpg
  • Invalid image extensions will now produce an error.
  • Device dependent bitmaps are now accepted.
  • ImagePutHIcon was secretly making hBitmaps instead.
  • [v1] HBitmap detection no longer fails half the time.
  • [v2] Fix "expected an object" error messages.