MiniML implementation which compiles to C1(VM)
The f0
compiler is already installed on Andrew Linux at ~ibhargav/public/f0
. It can be compiled from source using:
% stack build
% stack install
% f0 -h # or stack run -- -h if you don't want to install
Usage: f0 [--print-ast] [--print-types] [--print-transformed] [-O]
[-x|--execute] [-t|--only-typecheck] [-s|--save-files] [-c <arg>]
<input file>
Available options:
--print-ast print out the AST at various points during
--print-types print out the types of the top level decls
--print-transformed print out the transformed program
-O optimize by passing -O2 to the C compiler
-x,--execute execute the program if it compiles
-t,--only-typecheck stop after typechecking. implies --print-types
-s,--save-files save the generated C1 code
-c <arg> pass an option to CC0
-h,--help Show this help text
% f0 <file.sml> # generates executable "file"
% f0 -x <file.sml> # run "file.sml"
% f0 -s <file.sml> # create "file.c1" for inspection of generated code
Supported features:
- Closures/polymorphism/higher order functions
- Type inference
expressions with localdatatype
declarations- Line comments with
- Block comments with
- Dynamically checked contracts using
(*@requires ... @*)
or(*@ensures ... @*)
- See
for examples - Tuples and tuple patterns (no recursive patterns)
- Sum types
- Interface with C0/1 code or C0 libraries by declaring functions in
fun fib a b i stop =
if i == stop then ()
else print "fib(";
printint i;
print ") = ";
printint (a + b);
print "\n";
fib b (a + b) (i + 1) stop
-- main always needs to return int
-- it is returned from main in the C1 program
val main =
fib 0 1 2 20 ;
Using sum and product types:
datatype 'a list = Empty of () | Cons of 'a * 'a list
fun sum l =
case l of
Empty () => 0
| Cons (x, xs) => x + sum xs
fun tabulate f n =
if n == 0
then Empty ()
else Cons (f n, tabulate f (n - 1))
fun tabulateIdx f n = tabulate (fn x => (x, f x)) n
val main = sum (tabulate id 53)
(*@requires 0 <= n && n < 17 @*)
(*@ensures result > 0 @*)
fun fact n =
if n == 0
then 1
else n * fact (n - 1)
(*@requires 0 <= n && n < 17 @*)
(*@ensures result > 0 @*)
fun bad_fact n = -1
val main =
printint $ fact 14;
print "\n";
-- Crashes at runtime
-- printint $ fact 20;
-- print "\n";
-- Also crashes at runtime
-- printint $ bad_fact 6;
-- print "\n";
datatype ('a, 'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b
fun bind x f =
case x of
Left e => Left e
| Right x => f x
fun return x = Right x
fun validate_int x =
if x <= 0
then Left "Numbers must be positive"
print "Validated ";
printint x;
print "\n";
Right x
fun try_add x y =
bind (validate_int x) $ fn a =>
bind (validate_int y) $ fn b =>
return $ string_fromint $ a + b
val main =
case try_add (4) (-3) of
Left e => println e ; 1
| Right a => print a ; println "" ; 0
print, println, printint : string -> unit
string_join : string * string -> string
string_fromint : int -> string
string_length : string -> int
error : string -> unit
assert : bool -> unit
"Pattern matching" is limited as you can really only do one layer at a time (inspect a sum or product type).
There are no type aliases or type annotations (Type annotations will parse but won't do anything).
Recursion is implemented using the callstack,
so it's possible to get a stack overflow. This can be avoided by
compiling and running using C1VM instead (use -s
or --save-files
keep the C1 source)