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IR remote server running on esp8266

this project is written for the arduino ide

Right now the project:

  • Connect to the internet.
  • Show a control page to the user.
  • Control any AC unit.
  • Reupload the code remotely via OTA.
  • if cannot connect to the wifi it open AP at address =
  • send temperature to the client.

How to use



and for connecting to the internet swap inside esp8266_IRremote.ino

const char* ssid = "ssid";
const char* password = "pass";

to your wifi.

if you wish to connect the IR LED to different pin its in:

const uint16_t kIrLed = 4;

if you want to send sensor data to the user add it to function handleSendData()
in order to change the html files, change them in html_files folder and then run

for testing your protocol type <ip_address>/test and then refresh until a protocol works

the project goals:

  • Running server
  • Control IR
  • Reconfigure the WIFI on the fly (partly done - not saving after restart)
  • To be able to add more sensors or controllers with web interface
  • Full OTA support
  • Have good UI
  • Connect to app or have static ip for remote connection
  • PWA (Progressive Web Application) (in progress to be little better)
  • If cannot connect to the wifi it open AP at address =
  • Python script that makes html files to .h - (maybe use spiff in future)
  • Temperature sensor (analog)