Orange4 - Randomtest of C compilers
Orange4 is yet another random test system for C compilers. Although it is newer than Orange3, it is not necessarily an upgrade of Orange3. Orange4 employs a new algorithm for random program generation based on equivalence program transformation which is very different from that of Orange3. It allows program generation of wider C syntax, but there are cases where Orange3 does better jobs.
Orange4 has been developed by the following persons at the compiler team of Ishiura Laboratory, School of science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin University
Mr. Kazuhiro Nakamura
Mr. Daisuke Fujiwara
Mr. Shogo Takakura
Mr. Mitsuyoshi Iwatsuji
Ishiura Lab.
* cpanm
Please try the following command sequence.
$ cpanm
* Internet connection is required.
* If error occurs during installation, please remove Orange4 and re-download.
* If copy error occurs during installation, please retry.
To use Orange4, users need to specify settings in the three configuration files. In the case of the “i386_Cygwin” target. for example, the configuration files are:
* i386-cygwin-gcc.cnf (general settings)
* i386-cygwin-gcc-compiler.cnf (compilation settings)
* i386-cygwin-gcc-executor.cnf (execution settings)
We are sorry but the detailed manuals for composing the configuration files are under construction. Please copy & edit the above files. For most of the compilers and execution environments with standard I/O support, you just need to edit several lines.
An "Orange4" command repeats the process of generating a test program and compile & executes it. The number of tests or time for testing should be specified.
$ orange4 [-c config file] [options]
-c <FILE>|--config=<FILE> : Config File. (must)
Default: <root>/.orangerc.cnf
-n <Integer> : Number of tesing.
Default: 1
-s <Integer> : Seed number of Starting
Default: 0
-t <Integer> : Time (hour) of testing.
Cannot specify -t and -n option simultaneously.
-h : Help
If an error is detected, Error File Set is saved to the following directories.
Directory : ./LOG/<START_TIME>/
Error File Set : Report File (*.log),
Config File (*.cnf),
Seed information File (*.pl),
Detected error C source File (*.c)
Orange4 can reduce programs that detected errors by Orange4's minimizer.
"File" is a seed information file saved by Orange4. If "Directory" is specified, add the Files in the directory and processed.
$ orange4-minimizer <File|Directory>
Copyright (C) Ishiura Lab.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.