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Mapping SPID attributes

Luca Leonardo Scorcia edited this page Mar 7, 2021 · 8 revisions

This is the most tedious task. It is easy but repetitive and any error can go unnoticed for a long time, so be careful when following the next steps.

The idea is that we have to tell Keycloak how to store the SPID attributes in its local user representation. There is no one-size-fits-all way to do that, but I'll share the way I do it. Feel free to change this strategy to fit your needs - just be consistent and look out for typos.

For each Identity Provider, click on the Edit button and go to the Mappers tab. We'll have to create a new Mapper for each attribute we want to import.

User Name attribute

We'll start with the User Name attribute. Click on the Create button and set the following attributes:

Name Mapper Type Template
User Name SPID Username Template Importer ${ATTRIBUTE.fiscalNumber}

This setup means that all SPID users will have their username set to their fiscalNumber SAML assertion value, lowercased according to the Keycloak convention (e.g. tinit-jpqvqn30s18x699c).

NOTE: There is no limit on how many SPID providers a user can register to. By mapping the User Name attribute to the fiscalNumber assertion, if a user logs in with different SPID providers the two different accounts will be mapped to the same Keycloak user. Make sure you selected the Sync Mode: Force value in the Identity Provider configuration!

Basic attributes

First Name and Last Name are essential to identify the user and should be mapped to special Keycloak attributes. Use the following table as a reference for the two required mappers:

Name Mapper Type Attribute Name User Attribute Name
First Name SPID Attribute Importer name firstName
Last Name SPID Attribute Importer familyName lastName

TIP: You could be tempted to map the email assertion to the basic email Keycloak attribute. You can of course do that, but it has a pretty important side-effect: users can trigger the Forgot Password flow, and set a local password for the SPID account. If this happens, you can't trust the user to have a valid SPID session. It is much safer to map the email attribute to a SPID-specific attribute as described in the next paragraph.

Other attributes

All of the other SPID attributes are optional and follow the same convention. I'll leave the mapping table here for sake of consistency:

Name Mapper Type Attribute Name User Attribute Name
SPID Code SPID Attribute Importer spidCode spid-spidCode
Email SPID Attribute Importer email spid-email
Tax Id SPID Attribute Importer fiscalNumber spid-fiscalNumber
Gender SPID Attribute Importer gender spid-gender
Date of Birth SPID Attribute Importer dateOfBirth spid-dateOfBirth
Place of Birth SPID Attribute Importer placeOfBirth spid-placeOfBirth
County of Birth SPID Attribute Importer countyOfBirth spid-countyOfBirth
Mobile Phone SPID Attribute Importer mobilePhone spid-mobilePhone
Address SPID Attribute Importer address spid-address
Digital Address SPID Attribute Importer digitalAddress spid-digitalAddress
Company Name SPID Attribute Importer companyName spid-companyName
Company Address SPID Attribute Importer registeredOffice spid-registeredOffice
VAT Number SPID Attribute Importer ivaCode spid-ivaCode

Once mappings have been created for all SPID IdPs, we have to prepare our Service Provider metadata.