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Teng Fei edited this page Apr 21, 2024 · 2 revisions


  • ApplePay(可选):用于苹果支付。
  • AVToolbox:用于录音、音视频格式转换。
  • Base:包含配置、定义和日志输出等。
  • Core:包含APP重签检测、获取设备信息、相册操作、录屏、截屏检测、跳转等。
  • Camera:用于iOS相机采样数据捕获。
  • DocumentPicker:用于系统文件操作。
  • Extension:包含Array、Dictionary、Int、Double、CGFloat、String、NSAttributedString、CALayer、NSObject、DispatchQueue、UIDevice、UIColor、UIImage、UIImageView、UIView、UIViewController等扩展。
  • FileOperation:用于iOS沙盒文件操作。
  • KingfisherWrapper(可选):Kingfisher的防盗链设置、UIButton/UIImageView快速设置图片扩展,常用功能封装。
  • LiveGift:用于展示直播小礼物🎁赠送
  • OverlayView:用于弹出上下左右各个方向的覆盖视图。
  • Permissions:用于iOS的照片库、相机、麦克风、位置、蓝牙、通讯录、提醒、日历、Siri、通知、追踪等各种权限。
  • Timer:封装了DispatchTimer和Timer。
  • Transition:用于过渡场景切换。
  • Widget:自定义控件。
  • SDWebImageWrapper(可选):SDWebImage的防盗链设置和常用功能封装。


  • ApplePay(Optional):This is used for Apple payment.
  • AVToolbox:This is used for audio and video format conversion.
  • Base:Includes configuration, definition, and log output.
  • Core:Includes APP resignature detection, obtaining device information, album operation, screen recording, screenshot detection, redirection, etc.
  • Camera:This is used for iOS camera sampling data capture.
  • DocumentPicker:This is used for system file operations.
  • Extension:Includes the extensions of Array、Dictionary、Int、Double、CGFloat、String、NSAttributedString、CALayer、NSObject、DispatchQueue、UIDevice、UIColor、UIImage、UIImageView、UIView、UIViewController, etc..
  • FileOperation:This is used for iOS sandbox file operations.
  • KingfisherWrapper(Optional)Kingfisher's anti-theft chain settings, UIButton/UIImageView's extensions is used to set the image, and wraps commonly used functions.
  • LiveGift:This is used to showcase small gifts for live streaming.
  • OverlayView:This is used to pop up overlay views in all directions up, down, left, and right.
  • Permissions:Various permissions for iOS, including photo library, camera, microphone, location, Bluetooth, contacts, reminders, calendar, Siri, notifications, tracking, and more.
  • Timer:Encapsulated Dispatch Timer and Timer.
  • Transition:This is for switching transitional scene.
  • Widget:The custom widgets.
  • SDWebImageWrapper(Optional)SDWebImage's anti-theft chain settings and common functions encapsulation.
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