I was asked to upgarde 40+ f5 devices in AWS, so i thought it would be best to automate the entire procoess using a simple ansible playbook.
Inventory list of all the f5s i needed to upgrade (active and standby) .. because we need the code on all the versions.
to execute install
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts install-os.yaml
to verify
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts verify-install.yaml
The playbook perfoms the following actions * saves the existing configurations * uploads the latest OS * installs it on a new partition * prints out an output of when its complete
uploads, installs and verifies the install, activate and shows the output
it will take a few min before you see the active partition. You may get a error but it will come back :)
uploads, installs, verifies the install and copies the configuration from boot location HD1.1 (BIG-IP to boot location HD1.3 (BIG-IP and immediately reboot the system to the HD1.3 boot location:
cpcfg --source=HD1.1 --reboot HD1.3
On a VIPRION system, ensure each blade receives the updated configuration by running the cpcfg command with the clsh utility on the primary blade.
For example:
clsh cpcfg --source=HD1.1 --reboot HD1.3
Tested in VMware vsphere 6.7 = all good!
Tested on Azure = all good! (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE /shared/images with enough space)