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Creating indexes
These instructions have three parts:
Your organism is available on the ucsc genome browser
Your organism is available on the ensembl website
Your organism is not on either ucsc or ensembl but you have genome sequence and optionally gene or transcript models.
Prerequisites You need bowtie installed on your system, including bowtie-build which should come with the default installation. The bowtie-build executable must be in the system path. If that's not possible then you can edit the perl scripts where bowtie-build is called to add the full path.
NOTE: Some genome builds contain haplotype copies of the same chromosome. You should not include multiple haplotypes in a RUM index because the pipeline will consider reads mapping to two haplotypes as non-uniquely determined alignments. Therefore when we built the human indexes we left out the chromosomes with 'hap' in the name, you should probably do the same when building your own indexes.
This first part explains how to get the genome sequence using the table browser. You can alternatively get it from the downloads page as follows:
The downloads link is on the left of the home page, find the species and hit the "Full data set" and get the file with the genome sequence, unmasked, sometimes it's called chromFA.tar.gz, or something like that. When you unpack it, it may be in many pieces, possibly distributed into sub-directories. You must concatenate them all together into one file and name that file NAME_genome.txt (where "NAME" is defined below). The file name MUST end in 'txt' not 'fa'. After that proceed with the instructions to get the gene models file(s) using the table browser.
If you do not opt to get the FASTA files from the download page, then use the following instructions:
Go to UCSC's main page (http://genome.ucsc.edu/), choose the organism and assembly.
Go to Table Browser and set the options as follows:
group: all tables table: chromInfo output format: selected fields from primary and related tables output file: chromosome_sizes.txt
hit "get output" and choose the 'chrom' and 'size' fields.
Now remove the header line (if any) from chromosome_sizes.txt and add columns so rows look like this:
chr1 0 249250621 + chr2 0 181748087 + ....
in other words, add a column with '0' between the chr and size cols, and add a col with '+' at the end
The next steps get a FASTA file with the complete genome sequence.
Submit the file from the previous step to the genome browser as a custom track, then go to table browser and set as follows:
group: custom tracks track: User Track region: genome output format: sequence output file: NAME_genome.txt file type returned: gzip
where "NAME" should be replaced by something that identifies your name/assembly, e.g. mm9. Just use alphanumeric, dashes, periods in NAME, do not use underscores. The scripts below won't work unless you follow this naming convention exactly. Note the suffix must be '.txt' not '.fa'
Hit get output, and request all upper case
gunzip the file and run the following steps.
Now to make files of gene info and sequence. You can use any of the annotation tracks as long as they have the five fields you are asked to select below. The following illustrates using two tracks "UCSC Known" and "RefSeq". If there are many annotation tracks, such as for mouse where there are more than ten, you probably shouldn't include them all. By default we have been using just three of them for mouse: refseq, ucsc and aceview. Using all tracks would create a transcript db that is too complex, it's better to let blat map the reads for transcripts that are not present in the db rather than to expand the db too much with false transcripts.
Set the table browser as follows:
group: Genes and Gene Prediction Tracks track: UCSC Genes (or whatever track you like) table: knownGene (or whatever is the corresponding name for the track you chose) region: genome output format: selected fields from primary and related tables output file: ucscknown.txt (keep the name of this file simple, but it must end in '.txt')
Hit "get output"
Select the following fields from the table: name, chrom, strand, exonStarts, and exonEnds.
hit "get output".
Now do the same thing but get RefSeq genes, save to file called: refseq.txt. Set 'table' to be "refGene".
make a file called "gene_info_files" with one line per gene annotation filename:
refseq.txt ucscknown.txt
All the data files you just downloaded need to be in the same directory. Now from that directory, run:
> perl create_indexes_from_ucsc.pl NAME_genome.txt NAME_refseq_ucsc
Note that you will need to supply the full path to the create_indexes_from_ucsc.pl script, which is available in the 'bin' directory of the RUM distribution. This is a master script that runs a bunch of other scripts including bowtie-build. You will need a fair amount of RAM to do this, 10GB was sufficient for Human.
This will create a directory called $NAME (where NAME is the prefix of the files you provided as command line arguments) and put all of the important index files in there. Move that directory to where your other RUM indexes are stored. For example, if you keep all of your RUM indexes in ~/rum_indexes, and you have indexes for mouse (mm9) and human (hg19), you would have the following directory structure:
To run RUM with one of these indexes, for example hg19, you would
provide the directory location with the --index-dir
or -i
rum_runner -i ~/rum_indexes/hg19 ...
Go to ensembl.org and find your species. Note that the default site is for vertebrates, there are currently five sites for different kingdoms:
- http://www.ensembl.org/
- http://metazoa.ensembl.org/
- http://fungi.ensembl.org/
- http://plants.ensembl.org/
- http://bacteria.ensembl.org/
Once you found your species, click on the "Downloads" link at the top of the page (you may have to stretch your browser wide enough to see it). On the Downloads page scroll down to the section called "FTP site" and click the "FTP site" link. You should see a table full of links on the right. Click the "FASTA (DNA)" link for your species, it should open in a new window. You want the file that has "toplevel" in the name and not 'rm' (which stands for 'repeat masked'). So for example for the fungus aspergillus nidulans we would get this file:
gunzip the file and it should be a FASTA file of the complete genome.
Rename the file to be: NAME_genome.txt where "NAME" should be replaced by something that identifies your name/assembly, e.g.mouse-mm9. Just use alphanumeric, dashes, periods in NAME, do not use underscores. The scripts below won't work unless you follow this naming convention exactly. Note the suffix must be '.txt' not '.fa'.
Now go back to the big table of links on the FTP page and click the "GTF" link for your species.
Download and gunzip the GTF file.
Now make sure all the scripts and the two data files you just downloaded are in the same directory. Run the following:
perl create_indexes_from_ensembl.pl --name NAME GENOME GTF
Where GTF is the name of the GTF file you downloaded, GENOME is the genome file, and NAME is the name you have chosen above.
Note that you will need to supply the full path to the create_indexes_from_ensembl.pl script, which is available in the 'bin' directory of the RUM distribution. This is a master script that runs a bunch of other scripts including bowtie-build. You will need a fair amount of RAM to do this, 10GB was sufficient for Human.
This will create a directory called $NAME (where NAME is the prefix of the files you provided as command line arguments) and put all of the important index files in there. Move that directory to where your other RUM indexes are stored. For example, if you keep all of your RUM indexes in ~/rum_indexes, and you have indexes for mouse (mm9) and human (hg19), you would have the following directory structure:
To run RUM with one of these indexes, for example hg19, you would provide the directory location with the B<--index-dir> or B<-i> option:
rum_runner -i ~/rum_indexes/hg19 ...
Your organism is not on either ucsc or ensembl but you have genome sequence and optionally gene or transcript models.
If your organism is not available through UCSC, you must create by hand the files described below, and then run some (supplied) parsing scripts.Be careful to follow the specifications exactly.
A FASTA file of genome sequence with one entry per chromosome/contig/scaffold. The FASTA def lines should give simple chromosome/contig/scaffold names.Stick to alphanumeric characters, underscores, periods, dashes.You might get away with other characters but definitely do not use colons, quotes or whitespace.Use the forward (plus) strand sequence, all bases should be upper case A, C, G, T or N.The first base of each entry will be considered be coordinate number 1 of the chromosome/contig/scaffold. Call this file NAME_genome.txt, where "NAME" should be replaced by something that identifies your name/assembly, e.g.mouse-mm9. Just use alphanumeric, dashes, periods in NAME, do not use underscores. The scripts below won't work unless you follow this naming convention exactly. Note the suffix must be '.txt' not '.fa'
A file (or files) of transcript models. Keep the name(s) of these files simple, like refseq.txt. A transcript model file has one row for each transcript, with each row having five tab delimited columns.
name: The name of the transcript.Keep it relatively simple, use just alphanumeric, underscores, dashes and periods.Names don't have to be unique, the parsing scripts will make them unique later by adding numbers to ones that are equal.
chrom The name of the chromosome/contig/scaffold the transcript is on Names should match those in the genome FASTA file.
strand The strand, + or -.
exonStarts A comma delimited list (with no whitespace) of exon start locations.
exonEnds A comma delimited list (with no whitespace) of exon end locations.
The exon locations must be specified as zero-based and half-open. For example, an exon that is three bases long and that starts at base 0 would have a start of "0" and an end of "3". For both the exonStarts and exonEnds fields, the last character may be a comma, but not the first.
The file must have a header line that lists these fields, prefixed with a "#" character. The header line should look like
#name chrom strand exonStarts exonEnds
Note 1: It is not a typo that we want zero-based coordinates for the starts and one-based coordinates for the ends, we are just being compliant with UCSC standards.
Note 2: You can make multiple files of transcripts, the parsing scripts will take care of merging them into one consistent database of transcripts.If two files have the same transcript, even if they have different names, the scripts will merge them into one and merge the names.Basically, in your gene models files, different transcripts can have the same name and one transcript can have several different names, even in the same file. All you need to worry about is getting each file formatted exactly as described above.
Make a file called "gene_info_files" with one line per gene annotation filename (even if you have only one). E.g.:
refseq.txt ucscknown.txt
All the scripts and the data files you just downloaded need to be in the same directory. Now run:
> perl create_indexes_from_ucsc.pl NAME_genome.txt NAME_refseq_ucsc
- NAME is as defined above - make sure there are no underscores in NAME
Note that you will need to supply the full path to the create_indexes_from_ucsc.pl script, which is available in the 'bin' directory of the RUM distribution. This is a master script that runs a bunch of other scripts including bowtie-build. You will need a fair amount of RAM to do this, 10GB was sufficient for Human.
This will create a directory called $NAME (where NAME is the prefix of the files you provided as command line arguments) and put all of the important index files in there. Move that directory to where your other RUM indexes are stored. For example, if you keep all of your RUM indexes in ~/rum_indexes, and you have indexes for mouse (mm9) and human (hg19), you would have the following directory structure:
To run RUM with one of these indexes, for example hg19, you would provide the directory location with the B<--index-dir> or B<-i> option:
rum_runner -i ~/rum_indexes/hg19 ...
Next: Running RUM