To get an understanding about development process - Specially back-end tools and services
Learn Node.js, Redux, authentication, TypeScript, creating APIs, and handling data.
To get an understanding about the level of expertise in a university-level course
Understand how frontend can interact with the back end.
- Mangine time and coming back to hard problems.
- Understanding new tools and technologies.
- Braking down problems to smaller parts.
- Getting distracted by new and shiny things.
- When to take brakes.
- Change of learning style.
My completed Repos 😊
CRUD OAuth | MERN JWT Auth app | Redux intro app | GraphQl MERN app
Breeze |
Caution |
Focus |
Challengeing |
Basics of Html | CSS and http request
Understanding CRUD methods
Main concept about internet and web development
Managing state inside react app
Passing props to components
Doing CRUD operation with simple Apis.
Handling data inside and outside forms.
Creating basic Api's with node.js and express
Using Mongo DB with the Api's
Deploy servers to internet.
Configuring Es Lint.
Structure server with router controller model.
Handling user data and authentication
Testing back end with react testing library
Intro to JWT and other auth tools and technologies
Testing front end using react testing library.
Using cypress to test front end.
More about props, children's and components.
Handle user auth in front end.
Advance state management with React Quary and Redux,
Structure front end to work with react query.
Managing data using use-reducer and context
Control and manage data localy to minimize unnecessary Api requests
Using react router library to navigate between pages.
Organizing single page app data and code.
Understanding the build tools and how Thay works under the hood
Class components and how to use them.
Create basic Graph ql api's
Managing data in front end with apollo client.
Managing data in back end with apollo server.
User auth and updating data with subscriptions
Introduction to typescript and how it works.
When to use types and interface.
Using typescript with servers and front-end apps.
Avance data validation in both client and sever side.