Persian Colors (Iranian colors) List of Persian Colors and hex colors for CSS, SCSS, PHP, C++, QML, JS, Python, Ruby and CSharp. Persian colors Name Hex color RGB color Preview Persian Red #c81d11 200, 29, 17 Persian Plum #701c1c 112, 28, 28 Persian Pink #f77fbe 247, 127, 190 Persian Rose #fe28a2 254, 40, 162 Persian Green #00a693 0, 166, 147 Persian Orange #d99058 217, 144, 88 Persian Indigo #32127a 50, 18, 122 Persian Blue #1c39bb 28, 57, 187 Persian Medium Blue #0067a5 0, 103, 165 References There are some references about Persian colors: