This is an implementation of AVC/H.264 library. Following are the features of this repository.
- Supports H264 decoder functionality upto High Profile and Level 5.1
- Optimized on ARM and Intel platforms
- Decoder is multi thread enabled
- Repository contains source and header files for lib264 decoder along with sample application files
- Supports resolution upto 4K
- Supports parsing and exporting of
SEI messages
, etc.
- cmake >= 3.24
- gcc / clang toolchain (For x86-64 and aarch64 Linux builds)
To download all submodules -
lib264Path=<Path to lib264 repo> cd ${lib264Path} git submodule update --init --recursive
- x86_64 on Linux.
- aarch64 on Linux.
- aarch64 on Android.
- x86_64 on Windows.
Create a buildtree
lib264Path=<Path to lib264 repo> buildTree=<Name of buildTree folder> installPath=<Path to install folder> cd ${lib264Path} cmake . -B ${buildTree} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR:STRING=${installPath}
Build using buildtree
cmake --build ${buildTree}
Install (Installs to 'installPath' folder)
cmake --install ${buildTree}
Command to run the executable
./lib264dec <path of configuration file>
Create a buildtree
toolchainPath=<Path to aarch64 toolchain> lib264Path=<Path to lib264 repo> buildTree=<Name of buildTree folder> installPath=<Path to install folder> cd ${lib264Path} PATH=${toolchainPath}:${PATH} cmake . -B ${buildTree}\ -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./cmake/toolchains/aarch64_toolchain.cmake\ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR:STRING=${installPath}
Build using buildtree
cmake --build ${buildTree}
Install (Installs to 'installPath' folder)
cmake --install ${buildTree}
Command to run the executable
./lib264dec <path of configuration file>
Create a buildtree
lib264Path=<Path to lib264 repo> buildTree=<Name of buildTree folder> installPath=<Path to install folder> cd ${lib264Path} PATH=${toolchainPath}:${PATH} cmake . -B ${buildTree}\ -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Android\ -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR=aarch64\ -DCMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI=arm64-v8a\ -DCMAKE_ANDROID_NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=clang\ -DCMAKE_ANDROID_NDK=<Path to android-ndk folder>\ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR:STRING=${installPath}
Build using buildtree
cmake --build ${buildTree}
Install (Installs to 'installPath' folder)
cmake --install ${buildTree}
Command to run the executable
./lib264dec <path of configuration file>
Using command line in git bash
Create a buildtree
libfgsPath=<Path to libfgs repo> buildTree=<Name of buildTree folder> installPath=<Path to install folder> cd ${libfgsPath} cmake . -B ${buildTree} -A x64\ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR:STRING=${installPath}
Build using buildtree
cmake --build ${buildTree} -- -p:Configuration="Release"
Install (Installs to 'installPath' folder)
cmake --install ${buildTree}
Command to run the executable
./lib264dec.exe <path of configuration file>
Using command line in cmd or VS command prompt
Configure cmake
cmake . -B <build directory> -A x64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR:STRING=<build directory>
Build using buildtree
cmake --build ${buildTree} -- -p:Configuration="Release"
Install (Installs to 'installPath' folder)
cmake --install ${buildTree}
Command to run the executable
./lib264dec.exe <path of configuration file>
Build using Visual Studio
Configure cmake using command line in git bash or cmd or VS cmd
cmake . -B <build directory> -A x64 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR:STRING=<build directory>
Open .sln (solution) in Visual Studio
Use F7 or build using Release/Debug options
Command to run the executable
./lib264dec.exe <path of configuration file>
To apply 'clang-format' to the modified code, please follow the steps below.
To configure the hooks path locally for the repository
git config --local core.hooksPath ./hooks
To apply the clang-format for the modified code against master
git clang-format -f master <file>
Please refer to the application guidelines for the following processes
- Hardware and Software requirements
- Steps to build and execute
- General Guidelines
- Profiling Guidelines
Please refer to the API guidelines for the following processes
- APIs of the lib264 decoder
- Data structures and enumerations
- Input/output structure details for Video Control API
- Error/Status Codes
- lib264 codec specific notes
- Please refer to the guidelines for the following processes
- Reporting issues
- Creating Pull Request
- Commit message standards
An intial version of a FFmpeg plugin is provided along with documentation for integrating the H264 Decoder library and plugin into FFmpeg framework.
For more details, refer to plugin README
A BSD 3-Clause-Clear license is applicable. Refer to the LICENSE file together with LICENSE2 file.