This is the updated version of Metabolitics API.
Clone metabolitics-api-v3 repository. Checkout to your branch.
Install Anaconda. Create a Conda environment.
conda config --append channels conda-forge
conda create --name menv python=3.5.2
conda activate menv
Install required Python packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a local PostgreSQL database. Set up connection in src/app/ file.
Create database schema under src directory.
python migrate
Install Redis.
Generate secret.txt file under src directory.
python generate-secret
Start the API under src directory.
python run-api
Start Celery worker under src directory.
python run-celery
Start Celery beat under src directory.
python run-celery-beat
Developing Metabolitics API inside a Docker container built from Dockerfile ensures a fully compatible development environment with all of the features of Visual Studio Code.
Install and configure Docker for your operating system.
Install Visual Studio Code.
Install the Dev Containers extension from Visual Studio Code Extensions.
Clone metabolitics-api-v3 Git repository by running the below command in a terminal.
git clone
Open Visual Studio Code and run Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container... command from View -> Command Palette.
Select metabolitics-api-v3 repository.
Select From 'Dockerfile' from Add Dev Container Configuration Files dialog.
Don't select any features and click Ok.
Wait for the container to install.
To generate secret.txt file, run the below command in a terminal under src directory.
python generate-secret
To resolve Git line ending issues in the container (resulting in many modified files), see below link:
To create a local PostgreSQL database in Docker, run the below command in a terminal.
docker run --name postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=boss123 -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres -d postgres:9.4
To see the IP address of the database, run the below command in a terminal.
docker inspect postgres
Set connection details of the database using the IP address from the step 13 in src/app/
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql://postgres:boss123@'
To migrate data to the newly created database, run the below command in a terminal under src directory.
python migrate
To install Redis server in Docker, run the below command in a terminal.
docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
To connect Metabolitics Api and Redis, run below commands in a terminal one by one.
docker network create metabolitics
docker network connect metabolitics <metabolitics-api>
docker network connect metabolitics redis
To run metabolitics-api-v3, run the below command under src directory and open localhost:5000.
gunicorn --bind --workers=2 app:app --reload
To run Celery, run the below command under src directory
celery -A app.celery worker
Visit following links for more information:
If CORS error is encountered during development, visit following link: