Bash service music player for Raspbian on Raspberry Pi, no login, keyboard or monitor required, autostarts
Added volume control option when pressing the back button longer
Added safely power off option when pressing the next button longer
Reduced the warning messages and error messages done by the script.
Please install with the setup files ending ending in 2020.
On another computer prepare bshplyr (apt and apt-get hang on download with IPV6 if ISP only has IPV4):
sudo apt-get install -y git
git clone https://github.com/iugamarian/bshplyr/
cd bshplyr
chmod +x before-setup-2020
chmod +x setup-2020
Copy bshplyr to /root in Raspbian Lite and in there install it:
sudo -s
The system will reboot.
sudo -s
Start in the destination Linux, install, disable serial interface in raspi-config (free GPIO 17 and GPIO 18) and poweroff
Get another SDCARD in a USB adapter or USB stick, format it FAT32 or EXT4, copy music to it, put it in Raspberry Pi. Or get the Raspbian SDCARD out and put some music from another computer in the ext4 folder /root/music
Put hardware buttons that pull to ground when pressed on GPIO 17 (DELETE) and GPIO 18 (NEXT)
Apply 5V power, listen and delete or next, remove 5V power, it remembers the last song played.
When you consider there is no more music to be deleted, make a backup of the music or /root/music and rename the backup to selected-music-YY-MM-DD
Remove power listen to the music in another player and go to 2) when you get bored with current music.
write the program in c, still calling mpv