JasperReports® Server 6.2.0 integration with Keycloak 1.9.1.Final via Spring Security and Open ID (OAuth) protocol.
- Multi Tenancy
- Single Sign Out
Client Adapter is: Spring Security with OpenID (OAuth)
- Keycloak 1.9.1 installed.
- JasperReports Server 6.2.0 installed.
Register a new client jasperserver in Keycloak server, with details as below:
- Client ID: jasperserver
- Client Protocol: openid-connect
- Access Type: confidential
- Valid Redirect URIs: <JasperServer - Context Path>/*
- Base URL: <JasperServer - Context Path>
Update master.json in jasperserver-war-keycloak project, specially for this parameters:
- realm (default: master)
- realm-public-key
- auth-server-url: <Keycloak - Host:Port>/auth
- credentials {secret}: <Keycloak - 'jasperserver' client - Credentials - Secret>
- Access the http://:/jasperserver/?realm=.
- The selected realm name will be stored in a cookie with name realm.
SAML haven't been implemented, but looks like it can be done with:
- Keycloak - SAML Adapter - General Adapter Config
- Spring Securty SAML - Spring Security Integration
Single Sign Out, currently only been implemented one way from JasperServer - Logout to Keycloak Server. To support a fully Single Sign Out, must implement Keycloak - User Guide - Javascript Adapter - Session status iframe.
Spring Security Filter, currently this project follow the original JasperServer (as there's no original files that been override), which is Logout Filter continue with Pre-Authentication Filter. In the Keycloak documentation, it should be Pre-Authentication Filter continue with Logout Filter.