A tiny library to represent DateTime in russian language
go get "github.com/ivahaev/russian-time"
import (
// Get current local DateTime
t := rtime.Now()
// Or if you are using time.Time object:
standardTime := time.Now()
t = rtime.Time(standardTime)
// Get full string representation:
// Шестнадцатое июня две тысячи пятнадцатого года, один час, тридцать шесть минут, тридцать три секунды
// Get date string representation:
// Шестнадцатое июня две тысячи пятнадцатого года
// Get time string representation:
// Один час, тридцать шесть минут
// Get time with seconds string representation:
// Один час, тридцать шесть минут, тридцать три секунды
type Month time.Month
Base type for month
func (m Month) String() (month string)
Returns string representation of Month
func (m Month) StringInCase() (month string)
Returns representation of Month in case: Января, Декабря...
type Time time.Time
Base type for DateTime. Can be converted from time.Time
func Now() Time
Returns current DateTime
func (t Time) DateString() (result string)
Returns date string representation of Time
func (t Time) DayString() (result string)
Returns string representation of Day of Month
func (t Time) Hour() int
Returns the hour within the day specified by t, in the range [0, 23].
func (t Time) HourString() (result string)
Returns string representation of Hour
func (t Time) Minute() int
Returns the minute offset within the hour specified by t, in the range [0, 59].
func (t Time) MinuteString() (result string)
Returns string representation of Minute
func (t Time) Month() Month
Returns int month [0,12]
func (t Time) Second() int
Returns the second offset within the minute specified by t, in the range [0,59].
func (t Time) SecondString() (result string)
Returns string representation of Second
func (t Time) String() (result string)
Returns full string representation of Time
func (t Time) TimeString() (result string)
Returns time string representation of Time without seconds
func (t Time) TimeStringWithSeconds() (result string)
Returns time string representation of Time with seconds
func (t Time) Weekday() Weekday
Returns specifies a day of the week (Sunday = 0, ...).
func (t Time) Year() int
func (t Time) YearString() (year string)
Returns string representation of Year
func (t Time) YearStringInCase() (year string)
Returns string representation of Year in case: Двухтысячного года, Одна тысяча девятьсот четертого года
type Weekday time.Weekday
A Weekday specifies a day of the week (Sunday = 0, ...).
func (w Weekday) String() (weekday string)
Returns string representation ofWeekday