Gallery: Global Terrorism Database Visualizations Welcome to the gallery presenting visualizations based on data from the Global Terrorism Database. For a deeper understanding of the data creation process and categorization, please consult the database manual.
Assumptions Several key assumptions were made when analyzing the data:
The data covers the period from 2007 to 2017. Only incidents conclusively identified as terrorist attacks are included. For incidents where the number of fatalities is unknown, it is assumed there were no deaths. These visualizations should be viewed as conservative estimates. Deaths by Type of Attack The chart below shows a time series of fatalities, categorized by type of attack across the ten-year period. Note the marked rise in deaths, particularly from 2014 onwards.
Number of Attacks by Weapon This plot shows the distribution of attacks by weapon type and region. Explosives are the most frequently used weapons. Rare categories like fake weapons, biological, and radiological have been excluded for clarity.
Attack Locations by Group The following map highlights attack locations attributed to the five deadliest terrorist groups. Each dot represents an attack, with colors corresponding to the responsible group.
These visualizations offer a broad perspective on the trends and dynamics reflected in the Global Terrorism Database, providing insights into the global landscape of terrorist activities.