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Repository files navigation

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Travel Terragrunt, Terraform and ... ANY [Git] repository tree with no stress, as a first class passenger! ✈️

travelgrunt alleviates the pain of hitting endless cd/<TAB> combos while navigating inside the repo.

💡 Video with a brief introduction and a demo is available here 🎥

How to use?

  • cd to the directory of your [locally cloned] Git repository;
  • run tg alias there 🚀 ([optional] arguments are "path filter" matches);
  • use arrow keys to navigate the list and / key to search for specific items;


💡 If no configuration file found travelgrunt will assume repository having only Terragrunt projects inside.

Create .travelgrunt.yml file in the root path of your repository. Example config for a random monorepo:

  - prefix: vendor/
    negate: true
  - prefix: terragrunt/
    mode: terragrunt
  - prefix: code/
    name: '.*\.(go|js|css|html)$'
  - prefix: config/
    name: '*.yaml'

⬆️ Config is essentially a list of sequentially applied path matching rules. Each rule can have these fields:

  • prefix - literal prefix to be matched against relative directory path;
  • name - a free form regular expression or a simple glob (name: '*.go') match applied to the file name;
  • mode - any matching behavior backed by a [custom logic] function from the mode package;
  • negate - boolean directive that reverses the meaning of the match, excluding the paths matched;

💡 Even while developing travelgrunt itself we use it to navigate package directories of the application 🎩

Override configured rules with arbitrary expression

You can search by the arbitrary expression instead of configured rules:

tg -x <EXPRESSION> [<match> <match2> ... <matchN>]

Shell aliases and functions

It is absolutely required to use zsh aliases or bash functions. Start from something like this:


alias tg='_tg(){ travelgrunt -out-file ~/.tg-path ${@} && cd "$(cat ~/.tg-path)" }; _tg'
alias tt='_tt(){ travelgrunt -top -out-file ~/.tg-path && cd "$(cat ~/.tg-path)" }; _tt'


function tg() {
	travelgrunt -out-file ~/.tg-path ${@} && cd "$(cat ~/.tg-path)"

function tt() {
	travelgrunt -top -out-file ~/.tg-path && cd "$(cat ~/.tg-path)"

These lines are usually added to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file, depending on your system and shell of choice.

💡 tt is a "convenience alias" that brings you to the top level path of your repository.

Why aliases?

Core feature of this program is the ability to change working directory while staying inside the current shell. This can not be done by the program itself, because of POSIX security limitations. Without instrumenting the shell with aliases travelgrunt will not work!

CTRL+C / CTRL+D behaviour

When key combinations CTRL+C or CTRL+D get pressed during the execution, following occures:

  • CTRL+C - program terminates with exit code 1, under the starting directory path;
  • CTRL+D - program terminates with exit code 0, under the directory path currently selected;

How to install? :neckbeard:

Install with homebrew:

brew tap ivanilves/tap
brew install ivanilves/tap/travelgrunt

Install latest binary with cURL + sh:

Install latest release binary into /usr/local/bin (default):

curl -s -f \ | sh

Install latest release binary into /somewhere/else/bin:

curl -s -f \ \
  | PREFIX=/somewhere/else sh

How to build? 🚧

  • make dep - install/ensure dependencies;
  • make build - build the travelgrunt binary in cmd/travelgrunt path;
  • make install - [optional] install built travelgrunt binary under the ${PREFIX}/bin location;

How to release a new version? 📦

💡 Make sure you have push permissions for this repository!

Run make release recipe, which will:

  • check, if you are on a main branch;
  • pull the latest main branch from remote;
  • calculate the next release version (update MAJOR.MINOR here if needed);
  • tag the branch tip with the version calculated and push tag to remote then;
  • GoReleaser will take care of everything else 😎