Markitos is a simple app to create cue markers from an audio file and save them, runs completely client-side using Javascript HTML5 features. Great props to wavesurfer.js for providing the backend.
- jquery
- bootstrap
- wavesurfer.js
A quick and dirty setup using php built-in server is the following, you can use any other one-liner static server:
git clone
cd markitos
bower install
php -S localhost:8000
If everything runs smooth, you can now go to http://localhost:8000
- As a user I should be able to load an audio track
- As a user I should be able to play an audio track
- As a user I should be able to pause an audio track
- As a user I should be able to add a new cue marker for an audio track
- As a user I should be able to edit a new cue marker for an audio track
- As a user I should be able to delete a new cue marker for an audio track
- As a user I should be able to export added cue markers