In this framework will be implemented:
- Use WebDriver API to launch and interact with websites
- Various techniques to find elements such as buttons, links, text, dropdowns, and more within a web application
- WebDriver API calls to interact with those elements such as clicking, entering and reading text, selecting options, handling popups and alerts, uploading files, working with iframes, and more
- Advanced interactions, such as hovering and sending alternative keys like tab, as well as symbols
- Integrate the WebDriver API with a test assertion library - TestNG
- Organize test code using the Page Object Model
- Various wait strategies to control the timing of scripts and avoid flaky tests
- Take screenshots during test executions
- Test code listen for specific WebDriver events and perform additional actions, like logging test activity
- Customize the browser used in test execution
- Run headless tests
- Navigating multiple open tabs within a browser, as well as cookie management
- Custom actions using JavaScript