This repository is a fork of the POS DevNet repository, extended by an automatic deployment of the EigenLayer contracts. There a few scenarios with different level of deployment automation (e.g. only EigenLayer smart contracts, above plus smart contracts for the Incredible Squaring AVS, the whole AVS). To see how it can be use to deploy an AVS check the Quick Start section.
There are multiple docker-compose configuration files located in subfolders of the scenarios
The first one, in the scenarios/eigenlayer
subfolder, deploys the POS network with the EigenLayer contracts only.
The second one, in the scenarios/incredible-squaring-avs
subfolder, adds the demo (Incredible Squaring) AVS to the network, but uses the older version of the EigenLayer.
It is because this AVS does not work the latest EigenLayer code.
Additionally, in the scenarios/incredible-squaring-avs-full
subfolder there is scenario deploying all AVS components (including off-chain programs and monitoring tools).
Hello World, another demo AVS, can be deployed using the compose file in the scenarios/hello-world
- Ethereum POS with EigenLayer smart contracts
- On Chain Incredible Squaring deployment
- Full Incredible Squaring deployment with Grafana dashboard
- Hello World Example
Please do not hesitate to add another docker-compose scenario, especially if you are an AVS developer.
There is the packer script to prepare and upload iv1 images to ECR. The images based on forge one and contains the source code with built smart contracts of the EigenLayer (EL), Hello World (HW) and the Incredible Squaring AVS (IS) projects.
Other folders contain information specific for the chain (consensus
and execution
) or deployed smart contracts (eigenlayer
, incredible-squaring-avs
and hello-world
) as well as monitoring (prometheus
and grafana
) are collected in the files
To deploy the POS network with EigenLayer and Incredible Squaring AVS contracts follow these steps:
- Clean previous deployments
- Navigate to the folder with docker compose definition for the IS AVS:
cd scenarios/incredible-squaring-avs
- Start Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d
- Check logs of the eigenlayer, avs-demo and cast containers to confirm that all the contracts have been deployed successfully and ether has been transferred:
docker-compose logs eigenlayer
docker-compose logs avs-demo
docker-compose logs cast
- Download the source code of the incredible-squaring-avs (to run the off-chain components):
cd ../../../
git clone
- Copy configuration files specific for the POS chain to the
folder in the Incredible Squaring AVS. The files are located in the incredible-squaring-avs/32382 subfolder of the iv1 repository.
cp -r iv1/incredible-squaring-avs/32382 incredible-squaring-avs/config-files
- Additionally, the output of the AVS smart contracts deployment needs to be copied:
mkdir -p incredible-squaring-avs/contracts/script/output/32382/
cp iv1/eigenlayer/incredible.json incredible-squaring-avs/contracts/script/output/32382/credible_squaring_avs_deployment_output.json
- With the files copied over, off-chain components of the AVS can be started with the following commands. Please note, that they have to be run in the main folder of the AVS project.
cd incredible-squaring-avs
- Start Aggregator with:
make CHAINID=32382 start-aggregator
- and Operator (by running following command in the new terminal):
make CHAINID=32382 start-operator
The logs should appear in both terminals. Some of the tasks might not be validate properly, because of a timing issue. This problem is unique to the POS network.
At the end, stop docker:
cd ../iv1/scenarios/incredible-squaring-avs
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
To deploy POS network only with EigenLayer contracts follow these steps:
cd scenarios/eignelayer
docker-compose up -d
Check logs of the eigenlayer container to confirm that all the contracts have been deployed successfully:
docker-compose logs eigenlayer
The iv1 might be used to deploy the IS AVS from the local machine, rather than from a docker image.
First follow steps from the deploy the EigenLayer section.
_NOTE: the IS AVS might not work with latest EL code.
In such case adjust the docker-compose and replace the image from the iv1-eigenlayer
to the iv1-is-avs
To code of the Incredible Squaring AVS is require to continue. It can be found in the Ivy-Net fork Incredible Squaring AVS. (The fork is required only for the one commit, which has been approved, but not yet merged. The change allows to use the CHAINID other than the 31337.)
cd ../../../
git clone
If the incredible-squaring-avs folder is present, ensure that git configuration points at code from the ivy-net repository.
- Copy configuration files specific for the POS chain to the
folder in the Incredible Squaring AVS. The files are located in the incredible-squaring-avs/32382 subfolder of the iv1 repository.
cp -r iv1/incredible-squaring-avs/32382 incredible-squaring-avs/config-files
- Additionally, the output of the AVS smart contracts deployment needs to be copied:
mkdir -p incredible-squaring-avs/contracts/script/output/32382/
cp iv1/eigenlayer/output.json incredible-squaring-avs/contracts/script/output/32382/eigenlayer_deployment_output.json
- Navigate to the contracts folder of the Incredible Squaring AVS.
cd incredible-squaring-avs/contracts
- Build smart contracts
forge build
- Upload smart contracts into the blockchain
forge script script/IncredibleSquaringDeployer.s.sol \
--rpc-url http://localhost:8545 \
--broadcast \
--unlocked \
--sender 0x123463a4b065722e99115d6c222f267d9cabb524
- Navigate to the main folder of the AVS to start off-chain components of it.
cd ../
- The next step is to top up the operator account. To do this run following command:
cast send 0x860B6912C2d0337ef05bbC89b0C2CB6CbAEAB4A5 --value 10ether --private-key 0x2e0834786285daccd064ca17f1654f67b4aef298acbb82cef9ec422fb4975622
or use the make command:
make \
DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY=0x2e0834786285daccd064ca17f1654f67b4aef298acbb82cef9ec422fb4975622 \
CHAINID=32382 \
- Start Aggregator with:
make CHAINID=32382 start-aggregator
- and Operator (by running following command in the new terminal):
make CHAINID=32382 start-operator
- When finish remember to stop docker-compose deployment
cd ../iv1/scenarios/incredible-squaring-avs
docker-compose down
In this scenario deployment of all components is automate.
- Navigate to the scenario subfolder
cd scenarios/incredible-squaring-avs-full
- Run docker compose
docker-compose up -d
- Check smart contracts deployment logs
docker-compose logs eigenlayer
docker-compose logs avs-demo
docker-compose logs cast
- Follow off-chain program logs
docker-compose logs -f aggregator operator
- In the web browser navigate to the port 3000 on the localhost (http://localhost:3000)
- Use default Grafana credentials:
user: admin
pass: admin
- In the left hand side menu select Dashboards
- Select AVSs section in the main panel
- Click onto the Incredible Squaring link
- Additionally, the promethus dashboard is avaliable at the port 9090 (https://localhost:9090)
To deploy the POS network with EigenLayer and Hello World contracts follow these steps:
- Clean previous deployments
- Navigate to the folder with docker compose definition for the HW AVS:
cd scenarios/hello-world-avs
- Start Docker Compose:
docker-compose up -d
- Check logs of the eigenlayer, avs-demo and cast containers to confirm that all the contracts have been deployed successfully and ether has been transferred:
docker-compose logs eigenlayer
docker-compose logs avs-demo
docker-compose logs cast
- Download the source code of the hello-world (to run the off-chain components):
cd ../../../
git clone
- Copy the env file specific for the POS chain to the Hello World AVS folder. The file was prepared base on information from the eigenlayer and hello-world smart contract outputs. Information on which variable equals which smart contract address in the pairing.txt file.
cp iv1/hello-world-avs/32382/env hello-world-avs/.env
- Next the rust code of the operator needs be modified (gas limit has to be added). Please note, that they have to be run in the main folder of the AVS project.
cp iv1/hello-world-avs/rust-operator.patch hello-world-avs
cd hello-world-avs
patch -p1 < rust-operator.patch
- With the files copied over, off-chain components of the AVS can be started with the following commands.
- Start Operator with:
make start-rust-operator
- and start the spam task:
make spam-rust-tasks
The logs should appear in both terminals.
At the end, stop docker:
cd ../iv1/scenarios/hello-world-avs
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
- Ensure that you have docker and packer installed and docker daemon is running.
- Adjust the docker-tag step and comment out the docker-push in the post_processors sections to avoid attempt to login to the ivy-net ECR. We left commented out lines for local deployment.
- Build the images with packer
cd packer
packer init .
packer build -var 'version=1.1' .
- If the repository is changed to the local one, adjust image name in the relevant docker-compose.yml file as well.
NOTE: The process might take 10--15 minutes, depends on hardware.
There will be 3 images prepared:
- iv1-eigenlayer - contains the latest dev build of EigenLayer contracts
- iv1-is-avs - contains the above and Incredible Squaring AVS pre-build contracts
- iv1-hw-avs - container EigenLayer and Hello World AVS pre-build contracts
NOTE: If you experience hangs in the compilation or build process, update docker to the latest version.
The docker image to deploy the EigenLayer contracts bases on the Foundry one. During the build process the image is enriched by addition of the compile smart contracts from the EigenLayer Contracts and EigenLayer Middleware repositories.
The image is prepared with the packer tool by HashiCorp. It is defined in the eigenlayer-deploy.pkr.hcl file. The file can be easily extended (e.g. by addition of the AVS contracts).
There are a few small adjustment to the original docker-compose code. The most obvious one is addition of the new image with the EL code. To enable deployment there are also small tweaks in the geth container definition. Firstly, the healthcheck block is added. It is to give time for the blockchain to settle, before publishing the EL contracts. Additionally, the insecure http connections are permitted from the remote hosts. This change enables forge (from the foundry image) to deployed the code.
Finally, docker image version was locked for in a few cases, because of issues with the software. The smart contracts cannot be deployed with geth 1.14, because of (ethereum/go-ethereum#29898). Prysmctl does not have stable release and recently introduce settings for the next fork which breaks the chain deployment.
This repository based on the Etherum POS DevNet which is a updated fork of the original OffchainLabs work. Please check documentation there for more information. Below you can find the key feature listed.
- Starts from the Capella Ethereum hard fork
- The network launches with a Validator Deposit Contract deployed at address
. This can be used to onboard new validators into the network by depositing 32 ETH into the contract - The default account used in the go-ethereum node is address
with private key0x2e0834786285daccd064ca17f1654f67b4aef298acbb82cef9ec422fb4975622
which comes seeded with ETH for use in the network. This can be used to send transactions, deploy contracts, and more - The default account,
is also set as the fee recipient for transaction fees proposed validators in Prysm. This address will be receiving the fees of all proposer activity - The go-ethereum JSON-RPC API is available at http://geth:8545
- The Prysm client's REST APIs are available at http://beacon-chain:3500. For more info on what these APIs are, see here
- The Prysm client also exposes a gRPC API at http://beacon-chain:4000