Allow to rebroadcast/filter episodes of podcast by modifying RSS feed.
- Register the podcast feed's RSS. You can choose a way of publishing at random or reverse(old to new).
- Subscribe the RSS into podcast app you get from this app then user can listen podcasts rebroadcasted.
- Java8
- SpringBoot
- App Engine Standard Environment
- react-starter-kit as frontend
if success, http status code must be 200.
When errors, status would be 4xx, 5xx and it has additional info.
"message":"rss id doesn't exist"
Returns a RSS feed of rss id. RSS returned follows the specification
Create new RSS feed by Entity json.
Delete RSS.
Returns a status of rss by id which format is json. This api is not open and permits to use by only admin.
Returns all rss by json. This api is not open and permits to use by only admin.
Force to update a rss of rss id. This api is not open and permits to use by only admin.
Returns a user's rss.
# google appengine sdk is neccesary. follow [this instruction](
$ goapp serve . # run locally
$ -A YOUR_PROJECT_ID -V v1 update .
# open