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You can sign up for an iyzico account at


One of the runtime environment is required from below

  • .NET Framework 4.5


For now you'll need to install following libraries:

  • To install Iyzipay, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
Install-Package Iyzipay

Or you can download the latest .dll from:

For .NET Framework:

For .NET Standard 2.1:


For .Net Framework usage, decimal deserialized to string with trim "0" operation from the end by newtonsoft library.

// true for .net 45
bool isEqual = payment.IyziCommissionRateAmount.Equals("0.028875")

For .Net Standard usage, decimal deserialized to string without trim operation by newtonsoft library.

// false for .net standard
bool isEqual = payment.IyziCommissionRateAmount.Equals("0.028875");

// true for .net standard
bool isEqual = payment.IyziCommissionRateAmount.Equals("0.02887500");


Options options = new Options();
options.ApiKey = "your api key";
options.SecretKey = "your secret key";
options.BaseUrl = "";
CreatePaymentRequest request = new CreatePaymentRequest();
request.Locale = Locale.TR.ToString();
request.ConversationId = "123456789";
request.Price = "1";
request.PaidPrice = "1.2";
request.Currency = Currency.TRY.ToString();
request.Installment = 1;
request.BasketId = "B67832";
request.PaymentChannel = PaymentChannel.WEB.ToString();
request.PaymentGroup = PaymentGroup.PRODUCT.ToString();

PaymentCard paymentCard = new PaymentCard();
paymentCard.CardHolderName = "John Doe";
paymentCard.CardNumber = "5528790000000008";
paymentCard.ExpireMonth = "12";
paymentCard.ExpireYear = "2030";
paymentCard.Cvc = "123";
paymentCard.RegisterCard = 0;
request.PaymentCard = paymentCard;

Buyer buyer = new Buyer();
buyer.Id = "BY789";
buyer.Name = "John";
buyer.Surname = "Doe";
buyer.GsmNumber = "+905350000000";
buyer.Email = "";
buyer.IdentityNumber = "74300864791";
buyer.LastLoginDate = "2015-10-05 12:43:35";
buyer.RegistrationDate = "2013-04-21 15:12:09";
buyer.RegistrationAddress = "Nidakule Göztepe, Merdivenköy Mah. Bora Sok. No:1";
buyer.Ip = "";
buyer.City = "Istanbul";
buyer.Country = "Turkey";
buyer.ZipCode = "34732";
request.Buyer = buyer;

Address shippingAddress = new Address();
shippingAddress.ContactName = "Jane Doe";
shippingAddress.City = "Istanbul";
shippingAddress.Country = "Turkey";
shippingAddress.Description = "Nidakule Göztepe, Merdivenköy Mah. Bora Sok. No:1";
shippingAddress.ZipCode = "34742";
request.ShippingAddress = shippingAddress;

Address billingAddress = new Address();
billingAddress.ContactName = "Jane Doe";
billingAddress.City = "Istanbul";
billingAddress.Country = "Turkey";
billingAddress.Description = "Nidakule Göztepe, Merdivenköy Mah. Bora Sok. No:1";
billingAddress.ZipCode = "34742";
request.BillingAddress = billingAddress;

List<BasketItem> basketItems = new List<BasketItem>();
BasketItem firstBasketItem = new BasketItem();
firstBasketItem.Id = "BI101";
firstBasketItem.Name = "Binocular";
firstBasketItem.Category1 = "Collectibles";
firstBasketItem.Category2 = "Accessories";
firstBasketItem.ItemType = BasketItemType.PHYSICAL.ToString();
firstBasketItem.Price = "0.3";

BasketItem secondBasketItem = new BasketItem();
secondBasketItem.Id = "BI102";
secondBasketItem.Name = "Game code";
secondBasketItem.Category1 = "Game";
secondBasketItem.Category2 = "Online Game Items";
secondBasketItem.ItemType = BasketItemType.VIRTUAL.ToString();
secondBasketItem.Price = "0.5";

BasketItem thirdBasketItem = new BasketItem();
thirdBasketItem.Id = "BI103";
thirdBasketItem.Name = "Usb";
thirdBasketItem.Category1 = "Electronics";
thirdBasketItem.Category2 = "Usb / Cable";
thirdBasketItem.ItemType = BasketItemType.PHYSICAL.ToString();
thirdBasketItem.Price = "0.2";
request.BasketItems = basketItems;

Payment payment = Payment.Create(request, options);

See other samples under Iyzipay.Samples project.


You can run particular sample by passing your credential info to "Iyzipay.Samples/Sample.cs"

Mock test cards

Test cards that can be used to simulate a successful payment:

Card Number Bank Card Type
5890040000000016 Akbank Master Card (Debit)
5526080000000006 Akbank Master Card (Credit)
4766620000000001 Denizbank Visa (Debit)
4603450000000000 Denizbank Visa (Credit)
4729150000000005 Denizbank Bonus Visa (Credit)
4987490000000002 Finansbank Visa (Debit)
5311570000000005 Finansbank Master Card (Credit)
9792020000000001 Finansbank Troy (Debit)
9792030000000000 Finansbank Troy (Credit)
5170410000000004 Garanti Bankası Master Card (Debit)
5400360000000003 Garanti Bankası Master Card (Credit)
374427000000003 Garanti Bankası American Express
4475050000000003 Halkbank Visa (Debit)
5528790000000008 Halkbank Master Card (Credit)
4059030000000009 HSBC Bank Visa (Debit)
5504720000000003 HSBC Bank Master Card (Credit)
5892830000000000 Türkiye İş Bankası Master Card (Debit)
4543590000000006 Türkiye İş Bankası Visa (Credit)
4910050000000006 Vakıfbank Visa (Debit)
4157920000000002 Vakıfbank Visa (Credit)
5168880000000002 Yapı ve Kredi Bankası Master Card (Debit)
5451030000000000 Yapı ve Kredi Bankası Master Card (Credit)

Cross border test cards:

Card Number Country
4054180000000007 Non-Turkish (Debit)
5400010000000004 Non-Turkish (Credit)

Test cards to get specific error codes:

Card Number Description
5406670000000009 Success but cannot be cancelled, refund or post auth
4111111111111129 Not sufficient funds
4129111111111111 Do not honour
4128111111111112 Invalid transaction
4127111111111113 Lost card
4126111111111114 Stolen card
4125111111111115 Expired card
4124111111111116 Invalid cvc2
4123111111111117 Not permitted to card holder
4122111111111118 Not permitted to terminal
4121111111111119 Fraud suspect
4120111111111110 Pickup card
4130111111111118 General error
4131111111111117 Success but mdStatus is 0
4141111111111115 Success but mdStatus is 4
4151111111111112 3dsecure initialize failed