Izeni's Common iOS Code http://www.izeni.com/
This project contains several miscellaneous utilities.
ios-pod-test is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Izeni', :git => 'https://dev.izeni.net/izeni/izcommon.git'
If you wish to co-develop this pod with your project, add this line to your Podfile instead of the one above:
pod 'Izeni', :path => '~/path/to/this/project'
Be sure that your Podfile has the following line too:
Or via Carthage:
github "izeni-team/izeni-ios" ~> 0.9
Bryan Henderson, Thane Brimhall, Jacob Ovard, Taylor Allred, Skyler Smith, Matthew Bailey, Mitchell Tenney
Izeni's Common iOS Code is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.