is a library that creates a hash that can identify users based on seeds.
The library has gained a lot of inspiration from the, and libraries. Thank you.
For example, you may want to use fingerprints instead of tokens, but the user's finger prints can get the same value on all websites. It is not good for security because the attacker can steal the user's finger print.
uses seeds to generate a hash that can identify the user.
import { create } from 'seed-fingerprint';
const seed = 'hello';
const fingerprint = create(seed);
const id = await fingerprint.get();
// html load
<script src=""></script>
// script
const seed = 'hello';
const fingerprint = window.SeedFingerprint.create(seed);
const id = await fingerprint.get();
<script type="module">
import { create } from ''
const seed = 'hello';
const fingerprint = create(seed);
const id = await fingerprint.get();
has the following components: Each component returns a promise.
SeedFingerprint {
component: {
canvas: {
canvas2dRender: string
date: {
timezoneOffset: number
font: {
availableFonts: string[]
header: {
header: {
Accept: string
Accept-Encoding: string
Accept-Language: string
User-Agent: string
agent: {
ip: string
loc: string
navigator: {
cookieEnabled: boolean
hardwareConcurrency: number
maxTouchPoints: number
language: string
languages: string[]
plugins: {
[key: string]: string
screen: {
colorDepth: number
width: number
height: number
webgl: {
webglRenderer: string
webglRender: string