Presented in this repository are several examples based on BFM tester, a highly-flexible way to write tests for Chisel HDL.
As a "Hello World"-style example, a module with 2 AXI-Stream input ports, 2 AXI-Stream output ports and an AXI4-Lite control port is instantiated and tested.
BfmTester also allows the integration of custom (i.e. provided by the user of the tester) bus functional models. This example provides driver and monitor for a 10 gigabit media-independent interface (XGMII).
This example connects directly AXI-Stream Master to an AXI-Stream Slave with direction connection.
This example is not working correctly - the same test passes and fails for different seeds. The purpose of this example is to demonstrate the current limitation of the BFM tester.
This example uses AxiLiteSubordinateGenerator
to generate a module with an
AXI4-Lite interface which provides a control and status access to the internal