Personal GNU/Linux setup deployment sourcery
This works only on Arch btw ... or Arch based distros
- Postinstall-setup wizzard for Arch based systems
- More or less usefull scripts, either written by myself, or complied from various sources
- Dotfiles for various programms i use, or had used at some point
- awesome
- bspwm
- herbstluftwm
- hyprland
- i3
- suckless software (dwm, dmenu, st)
- xmonad
- DOOM Emacs
- nvim
- alacritty
- kitty
- lf
- mpd
- ncmpcpp
- neofetch
- oh-my-zsh
- picom (jonaburg's fork)
- rofi
- sxhkd
- tmux
- waybar
- zathura
- zellij
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
curl -fsSL | bash -s -- --tags comma,seperated,tags
If you only want to run specific roles
- make it comtaible with debian based distros
- tag roles