A useful jumpstart for fastapi projects. This skeleton setup is the result of working through the fastapi tutorial. In addition are some basic user and group models with api endpoints for common crud operations.
Project layout and some functionality is influenced by Django.
This setup uses SQLAlchemy and Alembic for database management. A basic 'user' submodule is included.
Clone this repository navigate into the root folder. Rename the following with your project title
- root folder
- 'name' in setup.py (see step 3)
Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv .
- note the dot! - and activate it (window command show here). venv\Scripts\activate
Install packages from requirements.txt or follow the following:
- Basic fastapi requirements
pip install fastapi uvicorn[standard]
- Database management
pip install async-exit-stack async-generator SQLAlchemy alembic
- User security/authentication
pip install email-validator python-multipart python-jose[cryptography] passlib[bcrypt]
- Serve static files
pip install aiofiles
- Read .env setting files
pip install python-dotenv
- Install this project as a package too!
pip install -e .
The '-e' installs in 'editable' mode and it's named from the 'name' variable in setup.py. Installing this package will allow the import references to work correctly
- Basic fastapi requirements
Review and change the settings.env file if desired
Initialize Alembic
- create files
alembic init alembic
- In alembic.ini update this line
sqlalchemy.url = sqlite:///data.db
to match if DATABASE_URL was changed in settings.
- create files
(Optional) Create an initial Alembic migration for easy rollback during development. See below Create database migration with Alembic for details.
Navigate to project root directory
Launch virtual environment:
. venv\Scripts\activate
Start server
uvicorn server.main:app --reload
Refer to the Alembic docs for more detailed options. Useful/common commands:
- Auto generate migration:
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "<insert description here>"
- Execute migration:
alembic upgrade head
From the root directory run pytest with the command pytest
. Nice intro on how to write tests is on the (fastapi website)[https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/testing/]
By default users created via the API are not superusers, they can only be upgraded by another superuser.
An existing user's authority can be upgraded via a python 'helper function'.
To run the function from a commandline enable the virtual env and type the following from the project root directory:
python -m database.admin upgrade_to_superuser <user.id>