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Lisp-Binary has its own type system. A type tells Lisp-Binary what code to generate to read or write a given piece of data.

Lisp-Binary type specifiers resemble Common Lisp type specifiers. Some of them share names with Common Lisp types, and are also represented in memory by the Common Lisp type with the same name.

Lisp-Binary type specifiers can be used as the :type argument of a DEFBINARY struct's slot-description, or they can be passed as the type parameter to READ-BINARY-TYPE and WRITE-BINARY-TYPE.

Some type specifiers take type parameters. These are also expected to be Lisp-Binary type specifiers and not Common Lisp type specifiers.

The types




N is the number of bits. Since these types are used so frequently in DEFBINARY structs, there is a shorthand for them: You can simply use the number of bits as the type. Positive for unsigned, and negative for signed. Example:

            (defbinary foobar ()
              (x 0 :type 16)  ;; 16-bit unsigned
              (y 1 :type -16)) ;; 16-bit signed, two's complement.


Main documentation: Floating-point numbers



FLOAT and SINGLE-FLOAT are treated as IEEE Single Precision, DOUBLE-FLOAT is treated as IEEE Double Precision, while the others are read in as IEEE Half Precision, Quadruple Precision, etc.

HALF-FLOAT is represented in memory by CL:SINGLE-FLOAT, while floats larger than Double Precision are decoded into CL:RATIONAL numbers to preserve their precision (they are encoded in their proper format on writing).



(SIMPLE-ARRAY element-type (size))


            (defbinary foobar ()
               (size 0 :type (unsigned-byte 16))
               (arr #() :type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (size))))

The element-type specifies the type of each element in the array.

The SIZE is a Lisp expression that will be evaluated in an environment where all previous members of the struct are bound to their names. In the example above, Lisp-Binary will first read the size slot, and then it'll use that value as the length of the arr array.



(COUNTED-ARRAY count-size-in-bytes element-type)

This is a SIMPLE-ARRAY preceded by an integer specifying how many elements are in it. The SIMPLE-ARRAY example above could be rewritten to use a COUNTED-ARRAY instead, like this:

           (defbinary foobar ()
               (arr #() :type (counted-array 2 (unsigned-byte 8))))


(counted-string count-size-in-bytes &key (external-format :latin1))
(counted-buffer count-size-in-bytes)

These are like COUNTED-ARRAYS, but their elements are one byte long. Furthermore, a COUNTED-STRING will be encoded or decoded into a Lisp string according to its EXTERNAL-FORMAT.

The encoding/decoding is done using the FLEXI-STREAMS library, and valid EXTERNAL-FORMATs are those that are accepted by FLEXI-STREAMS:OCTETS-TO-STRING.


           (defbinary foobar ()
              (str "" :type (counted-string 2 :external-format :utf8)))



(TERMINATED-STRING termination-length &key (terminator 0) (extenal-format :latin1))
(TERMINATED-BUFFER termination-length &key (terminator 0))

Specifies a C-style terminated string. The TERMINATOR is an integer that will be en/decoded according to the field's BYTE-ORDER. As such, it is capable of being more than one byte long, so it can be used to specify multi-character terminators such as CRLF.



(FIXED-LENGTH-STRING length &key (external-format :latin1))

Specifies a string of fixed length. When writing, any excess space in the string will be padded with zeroes.

MAGIC numbers


(MAGIC &key actual-type value)

Specifies that a magic value will be read and written. The value will be read as type ACTUAL-TYPE.

If the value read is not CL:EQUAL to the VALUE given, then a condition of type BAD-MAGIC-VALUE will be raised.

A BAD-MAGIC-VALUE object contains the slots BAD-VALUE and REQUIRED-VALUE.

The error can be ignored by invoking the CL:CONTINUE restart.



(CUSTOM &key reader writer (lisp-type t))

Specifies a slot of type LISP-TYPE that will be read by the provided READER function and written with the provided WRITER function

The READER function must accept the lambda-list (STREAM), and its argument will be the stream currently being read. It must return TWO VALUES:

  1. The in-memory representation of the value that was read.
  2. The number of bytes that were read from the stream.

The WRITER function must accept the lambda-list (OBJECT STREAM), and it is generally expected to encode and write the OBJECT to the STREAM. It must return the number of bytes that were read.

If these functions are specified as LAMBDA forms, then they will be closures. The READER can expect every field that has been read so far to be bound to their names, while the WRITER can expect to be able to see all the slots in the struct being written, also bound to their names.

Both functions are optional.


Reading and writing will be a no-op. The value of a field of type NULL will always read as NIL and be ignored when writing.


Instead of reading or writing this field, CL:FILE-POSITION will be called on the current stream, and the address returned will be stored under a tag with the same name as this slot. The tag can then be used to calculate file positions and offsets. See the POINTER type for an example.


Like BASE-POINTER, but no global tag is stored. "Reading" a value of this type does not actually read anything, but rather causes Lisp-Binary to "read" the current CL:FILE-POSITION from the stream being read from.

Writing a FILE-POSITION is only a valid operation in the context of a DEFBINARY struct, where it actually writes nothing, but stores the current CL:FILE-POSITION on the stream in the slot defined with this type.



(REGION-TAG &key base-pointer-name)

Instead of writing the value of this slot, all POINTERs that have the same REGION-TAG name as this slot will be written out here, and the corresponding offsets will be updated. The file being written must be opened with :DIRECTION :IO. The POINTERs themselves will be written as offsets from whatever object has the BASE-POINTER named BASE-POINTER-NAME.



(POINTER &key pointer-type data-type base-pointer-name region-tag)

Specifies that the value is really a pointer to another value somewhere else in the file. When reading, if a BASE-POINTER-NAME is supplied and a base-pointer tag has been created, then the pointer will be treated as an offset from that base-pointer. If no BASE-POINTER-NAME is provided, then the pointer is treated as being an absolute file-position.

The :POINTER-TYPE key specifies the type of the pointer itself, and must be some kind of integer.

The :DATA-TYPE specifies the data that is being pointed to.

The :REGION-TAG is used when writing. When WRITE-BINARY writes this field, what it really does is just write a zero pointer (since the object being pointed to proably occurs later in the file, so we don't know what the address is going to be yet). Then WRITE-BINARY stores the address OF THE POINTER, along with a serialized representation of the data to be written.

When any WRITE-BINARY method gets to a REGION-TAG field, it writes out all the data that has been stored under that tag's name, and goes back to update the pointers.

POINTERs cannot be automatically written if they point to an earlier part of the file than they themselves occur (no backwards-pointing pointers)

Because it must go back and change what it has previously written, the stream must be opened with :DIRECTION :IO.

All I/O involving POINTERs, REGION-TAGs, or BASE-POINTERs should be performed within a WITH-LOCAL-POINTER-RESOLVING-CONTEXT block.


               (defbinary bar ()
                 (pointer-1 nil :type (pointer :pointer-type (unsigned-byte 16)
                                               :data-type  (terminated-string 1)
                                               :base-pointer-name foo-base
                                               :region-tag foo-region))
                 (pointer-2 0   :type (pointer :pointer-type (unsigned-byte 16)
                                               :data-type quadruple-float
                                               :base-pointer-name foo-base
                                               :region-tag foo-region)))

               (defbinary foo ()
                 (foo-base 0 :type base-pointer)
                 (bar nil :type bar)
                 ;; POINTER-1 and POINTER-2 will point to this:
                 (foo-region nil :type (region-tag :base-pointer-name foo-base)))

                   (let ((input (with-open-binary-file (in "foo.bin")
                                   (read-binary 'foo in))))
                      (with-open-binary-file (out "bar.bin"
                                              :direction :io)
                          (write-binary input stream))))


Main documentation: Encoding and Parsing Bit Strings


(BIT-FIELD &key raw-type member-types)

Specifies that multiple values are to be OR'd into a single integer for serialization purposes. The name of a slot of this type must be specified as a list of names, one for each value in the bit field. :RAW-TYPE specifies the type of the single integer into which everything is being stored, and must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be of the form (UNSIGNED-BYTE n)
  2. Where N is divisible by 8.

The :MEMBER-TYPES is an unevaluated list of types that must consist entirely of (UNSIGNED-BYTE b) or (SIGNED-BYTE b) types. The Bs must add up to N above.

READ-BINARY will automatically separate the values in the bit field into their slots, and WRITE-BINARY will automatically OR them back together.


(EVAL unquoted-type-expression)

The EVAL type specifier causes the type to be computed at runtime. The UNQUOTED-TYPE-EXPRESSION will be evaluated just before attempting to read the field of this type in an environment where all the previously-defined fields are bound to their names.


        (defbinary foobar ()
           (type-tag 0 :type (unsigned-byte 32))
           (data nil :type (eval (case type-tag
                                       (1 '(unsigned-byte 16))
                                       (2 '(counted-string 1 :external-format :utf-8))))))

In the above example, READ-BINARY will first read the TYPE-TAG as an (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32), then it will evaluate the CASE expression in order to get the type of the DATA. Then it will generate a reader and a writer the same way DEFBINARY normally does, except at runtime instead of compile time.

The CASE expression is not actually evaluated with a runtime call to EVAL. Instead, it is embedded directly in the source code of the generated READ-BINARY and WRITE-BINARY methods.

The reader/writer code derived from the resulting type expression, however, is evaluated with a runtime call to EVAL, and the part of the macroexpander that handles type fields gets called at runtime as well.

If the UNQUOTED-TYPE-EXPRESSION evaluates to another EVAL type specifier, then that specifier will be expanded once again.


:EXTERNAL-FORMAT is any value accepted by flexi-streams:octets-to-string, such as :latin1 or :utf8.

String count and terminated-buffer terminator lengths are given in BYTES, unlike the Common Lisp type '(unsigned-byte n)' in which the length is given in bits.

The types COUNTED-STRING and COUNTED-BUFFER are virtual types. When encountered, DEFBINARY will generate code that deals with counted strings and buffers, which are blocks of data that begin with a size. The number passed with this type is the size of the count. The difference between the two is that one of them is converted to and from a STRING while the other retains its raw binary representation and will be a SIMPLE-ARRAY of (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8).

(TERMINATED-STRING terminator-size) and (TERMINATED-BUFFER terminator-size) are for blocks of data that end with a terminator of some kind. The terminator is not produced as part of the buffer. The terminator-size defaults to 1.

All generated buffers and strings are guaranteed to have the type SIMPLE-ARRAY.


In the (SIMPLE-ARRAY element-type length) type specifier, the LENGTH is evaluated when the array is being read. Previously defined fields will be bound. The ELEMENT-TYPE can be any type supported by DEFBINARY, including the EVAL type specifier and the COUNTED-STRING, COUNTED-BUFFER, TERMINATED-STRING, and TERMINATED-BUFFER virtual types. Notably, ELEMENT-TYPE can be other types that were previously defined with DEFBINARY.

There is also the type (COUNTED-ARRAY count-size element-type), which functions like COUNTED-STRING or COUNTED-BUFFER, except that each element of the array can be a complex type.


DEFBINARY can generate aligned structures. Alignment is calculated as an offset from the beginning of the structure being defined. If a SIMPLE-ARRAY is defined with :ALIGN-ELEMENT {boundary}, then each element will be aligned to that boundary. On writes, the alignment is achieved by writing NUL (0) bytes. On reads, the alignment is performed by reading bytes from the stream one at a time. Alignment is always performed before reading and writing, never after.


If the &KEY argument :BYTE-COUNT-NAME is specified, then the name given will be bound as a variable whose value is the number of bytes read or written so far. This binding is visible in forms that are evaluated at runtime, such as array-length specifiers and EVAL type specifiers.


DEFBINARY can read IEEE floats ranging from half-precision up to octuple precision. Double-precision and below are represented in memory by hardware floats, while larger-precision floats are decoded into RATIONALs.

Furthermore, single and double-precision floats are decoded from their byte representation by using CFFI, which lets the hardware do the work on those systems that have FPUs (such as x86/AMD machines).

All other types of floating-point number are encoded and decoded using arithmetic.