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jaakko nakaza // 仲座ヤーッコ

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i am a human studying computer science at aalto university as my major and japanese at the university of turku as my minor

human not-robot

some things i've worked on:

🡒 Aalto-LeTech/aplus-courses - a plugin for intellij idea used on programming courses

Aalto-LeTech/aplus-courses-tutorial-builder - a solo project for generating tutorial config files for said plugin using react

jaakkonakaza/ - a personal site using sveltekit

Pinned Loading

  1. Aalto-LeTech/aplus-courses-tutorial-builder Aalto-LeTech/aplus-courses-tutorial-builder Public

    Create and edit tutorials for IntelliJ A+ Courses plugin

    TypeScript 1

  2. Aalto-LeTech/aplus-courses Aalto-LeTech/aplus-courses Public

    A+ Courses is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, used in programming courses at Aalto University

    Kotlin 17 6