Introduction 中文文档
logkafka sends log file contents to kafka 0.8 line by line. It treats one line of file as one kafka message.
See FAQ if you wanna deploy it in production environment.
- log collecting configuration management with zookeeper
- [log path with timeformat (collect files chronologically)](docs/ Path Pattern)
- log file rotating
- batching messages
- compression (none, gzip, snappy)
- [message regex filter](docs/ Filter)
- [user-defined line delimiter](docs/ Delimiter)
- user-defined monitor
The main differences with flume, fluentd, logstash are
Management of log collecting configs and state:
flume, fluentd, logstash keep log file configs and state locally: start local server for management of log file configs and state.
logkafka keep log file configs and state in zookeeper: watch the node in zookeeper for configs changing, record file position in local position file, and push position info to zookeeper periodically.
Order of log collecting
flume, fluentd, logstash all have INPUT type 'tail', they collecting all files simultaneously, without considering chronological order of log files.
logkafka will collect files chronologically.
- Qihoo360 - Collecting openstack operation logs
- ICBC - Collecting ssdb operation log
- Didi Dache
- Meituan
- Let me know if you are using logkafka.
PHP 5.3 and above (with zookeeper extension)
Two methods, choose accordingly.
Install librdkafka(>0.8.6), libzookeeper_mt, libuv(>v1.6.0), libpcre2(>10.20) manually, then
cmake -H. -B_build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=_install cd _build make -j4 make install
Just let cmake handle the dependencies ( cmake version >= 3.0.2 ).
Note: If you already have kafka and zookeeper installed, you can start from step 2 and replace zk connection string with your own in the following steps, default is
Deploy Kafka and Zookeeper in local host
tools/grid bootstrap
Start logkafka
- local conf
Customizing _install/conf/logkafka.conf to your needs
zookeeper.connect = pos.path = ../data/pos.myClusterName line.max.bytes = 1048576 ...
- run
Run in the foreground
_install/bin/logkafka -f _install/conf/logkafka.conf -e _install/conf/easylogging.conf
Or as a daemon
_install/bin/logkafka --daemon -f _install/conf/logkafka.conf -e _install/conf/easylogging.conf
Configs Management
Use UI or command line tools.
3.1 UI (with kafka-manager)
We add logkafka as one kafka-manager extension. You need to install and start kafka-manager, add cluster with logkafka enabled, then you can manage logkafka with the 'Logkafka' menu.
- How to add cluster with logkafka enabled
- How to create new config
- How to delete configs
- How to list configs and monitor sending progress
3.2 Command line tools
We use php script (tools/log_config.php) to create/delete/list collecting configurations in zookeeper nodes.
If you do not know how to install php zookeeper module, check this.
How to create configs
Collect apache access log on host "" to kafka brokers with zk connection string "". The topic is "apache_access_log".
php tools/log_config.php --create \ --zookeeper_connect= \ \ --log_path=/usr/local/apache2/logs/access_log.%Y%m%d \ --topic=apache_access_log
- [hosname, log_path] is the key of one config.
How to delete configs
php tools/log_config.php --delete \ --zookeeper_connect= \ \ --log_path=/usr/local/apache2/logs/access_log.%Y%m%d
How to list configs and monitor sending progress
php tools/log_config.php --list --zookeeper_connect=
logkafka_id: log_path: /usr/local/apache2/logs/access_log.%Y%m%d Array ( [conf] => Array ( [logkafka_id] => [log_path] => /usr/local/apache2/logs/access_log.%Y%m%d [topic] => apache_access_log [partition] => -1 [key] => [required_acks] => 1 [compression_codec] => none [batchsize] => 1000 [message_timeout_ms] => 0 [follow_last] => 1 [valid] => 1 ) )
More details about configuration management, see `php tools/log_config.php --help`.
We test with 2 brokers, 2 partitions
Name | Description |
rtt min/avg/max/mdev | 0.478/0.665/1.004/0.139 ms |
message average size | 1000 bytes |
batchsize | 1000 |
required_acks | 1 |
compression_codec | none |
message_timeout_ms | 0 |
peak rates | 20.5 Mb/s |
The most significant third party packages are:
Thanks to the creators of these packages.
Make sure you have lcov installed, check this
compile with unittest and debug type
cmake -H. -B_build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=_install \
-Dtest=ON \
cd _build
make logkafka_coverage # run unittest
- Multi-line mode