- Pipeline for basic bulk RNA-seq analysis
- Follows a general featureCounts > edgeR pipeline
covers:- Reading in featureCounts data
- Cleaning up the columns
- Order the columns based on the metadata file
- Import counts and groups into edgeR
- Filter genes based on edgeR min.count
- Normalisation and export of normalised data
- Exporting some basic QC on count distribution
- PCA of normalised data
- Exporting boxplots of selected genes across samples
covers:- Creating a design matrix based on metadata groups
- Estimating dispersion
- Exporting BCV plot from edgeR
- Model fitting and testing through glmQLFit > glmQLFTest
- Exporting DEGs for all comparisons in the design
# set wdir and generate metadata ------------------------------------------
metadata <- data.frame(sample = paste0("sample", 1:12),
stimulation = rep(c("unstim", "stim"), each = 6),
disease_status = rep(c("healthy", "disease"), each = 3, times = 2)) %>%
mutate(group = paste(stimulation, disease_status, sep = "_"))
# pre-process data --------------------------------------------------------
# returns an edgeR object containing cleaned up names, groups, and norm factors calculated
# also generates an "output_figures" directory to store all the plots (QC, PCA, boxplots etc.)
df <- pre_process_bulk(counts_filepath = "counts.txt",
sample_name_regex = "S[0-9]+",
metadata = metadata,
edger_min_count = 10,
export_normalised_data = TRUE,
export_pca = TRUE,
export_gene_boxplots = TRUE,
boxplot_genes = c("CD3D", "IFNG", "MYC"))
# create a contrast matrix for comparisons --------------------------------
contrast_matrix <- makeContrasts(unstim_healthy-stim_healthy,
levels = metadata$group)
# downstream processing ---------------------------------------------------
# returns an edgeR object with norm factors, dispersions etc. calculated
# also generates a "differential_expression" directory with all the results for each comparison
df <- process_bulk(edger_object = df,
metadata = metadata,
contrast_matrix = contrast_matrix,
export_degs = TRUE)