- Pipeline for basic end-to-end scRNA-seq processing
covers:- Reading in data, either cellranger, h5, or tab files (multicore option)
- Filtering based on mito percentages
- Prompt user for input on mito cutoff before proceeding
- Adding metadata
- Merging samples if >1
covers:- Normalisation (Log or SCT)
- Getting variable features
- Scaling
- Dimensionality reduction (PCA)
- Batch correction and integration (any method available in
- Defining number of PCs
- Dimensionality reduction (UMAP and/or tSNE)
- Clustering
# set wdir and generate metadata ------------------------------------------
folders <- list.dirs("data", recursive = F)
meta <- data.frame(time = rep(c(0, 12, 24), times = 4),
cell = rep(c("cd4", "cd8"), each = 6),
lineage = rep(c("naive", "memory"), each = 3, times = 2))
# reading in sc data ---------------------------------------------------
# generates single Seurat object containing data merged from all filepath folders, with annotated metadata
df <- read_scrna(filepath = "~/Desktop/test/data",
filename_pattern = "GSM",
cores = 4,
metadata = meta,
mito_pattern = "^MT-",
merge_data = TRUE)
# normalisation and batch correction ---------------------------------------------------
# performs normalisation, var features finding, scaling, PCA and joins layers
df <- norm_integration(df,
normalisation_method = "LogNormalize",
batch_correction = T,
correction_method = "HarmonyIntegration")
# clustering data ---------------------------------------------------
# generates single Seurat object with umap and clustering performed
df <- seurat_clustering(df, reduction = "integrated")