Lane package provides queue, priority queue, stack and deque data structures implementations. Its was designed with simplicity, performance, and concurrent usage in mind.
$ go get
Import lane using the gopkg url:
import (
lane ""
Pqueue is a heap priority queue data structure implementation. It can be whether max or min ordered, is synchronized and is safe for concurrent operations. It performs insertion and max/min removal in O(log N) time.
// Let's create a new max ordered priority queue
var priorityQueue *PQueue = NewPQueue(MINPQ)
// And push some prioritized content into it
priorityQueue.Push("easy as", 3)
priorityQueue.Push("123", 2)
priorityQueue.Push("do re mi", 4)
priorityQueue.Push("abc", 1)
// Now let's take a look at the min element in
// the priority queue
headValue, headPriority := priorityQueue.Head()
fmt.Println(headValue) // "abc"
fmt.Println(headPriority) // 1
// Okay the song order seems to be preserved, let's
// roll
var jacksonFive []string = make([]string, priorityQueue.Size())
for i := 0; i < len(jacksonFive); i++ {
value, _ := priorityQueue.Pop()
jacksonFive[i] = value.(string)
fmt.Println(strings.Join(jacksonFive, " "))
Deque is a head-tail linked list data structure implementation. It is based on a doubly-linked list container, so that every operations time complexity is O(1). All operations over an instiated Deque are synchronized and safe for concurrent usage.
Deques can optionally be created with a limited capacity, whereby the return value of the Append
and Prepend
return false if the Deque was full and the item was not added.
// Let's create a new deque data structure
var deque *Deque = NewDeque()
// And push some content into it using the Append
// and Prepend methods
deque.Append("easy as")
deque.Append("do re mi")
// Now let's take a look at what are the first and
// last element stored in the Deque
firstValue := deque.First()
lastValue := deque.Last()
fmt.Println(firstValue) // "abc"
fmt.Println(lastValue) // 1
// Okay now let's play with the Pop and Shift
// methods to bring the song words together
var jacksonFive []string = make([]string, deque.Size())
for i := 0; i < len(jacksonFive); i++ {
value := deque.Shift()
jacksonFive[i] = value.(string)
// abc 123 easy as do re mi
fmt.Println(strings.Join(jacksonFive, " "))
// Let's create a new musical quartet
quartet := NewCappedDeque(4)
// List of young hopeful musicians
musicians := []string{"John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo", "Stuart"}
// Add as many of them to the band as we can.
for _, name := range musicians {
if quartet.Append(name) {
fmt.Printf("%s is in the band!\n", name)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Sorry - %s is not in the band.\n", name)
// Assemble our new rock sensation
var beatles = make([]string, quartet.Size())
for i := 0; i < len(beatles); i++ {
beatles[i] = quartet.Shift().(string)
fmt.Println("The Beatles are:", strings.Join(beatles, ", "))
Queue is a FIFO ( First in first out ) data structure implementation. It is based on a deque container and focuses its API on core functionalities: Enqueue, Dequeue, Head, Size, Empty. Every operations time complexity is O(1). As it is implemented using a Deque container, every operations over an instiated Queue are synchronized and safe for concurrent usage.
import (
func worker(item interface{}, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
func main() {
queue := lane.NewQueue()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Let's handle the clients asynchronously
for queue.Head() != nil {
item := queue.Dequeue()
go worker(item, &wg)
// Wait until everything is printed
Stack is a LIFO ( Last in first out ) data structure implementation. It is based on a deque container and focuses its API on core functionalities: Push, Pop, Head, Size, Empty. Every operations time complexity is O(1). As it is implemented using a Deque container, every operations over an instiated Stack are synchronized and safe for concurrent usage.
// Create a new stack and put some plates over it
var stack *Stack = NewStack()
// Let's put some plates on the stack
fmt.Println(stack.Head) // greenPlate
// What's on top of the stack?
value := stack.Pop()
fmt.Println(value.(string)) // greenPlate
value = stack.Pop()
fmt.Println(value.(string)) // yellowPlate
// What's on top of the stack?
value = stack.Pop()
fmt.Println(value.(string)) // bluePlate
// What's on top of the stack?
value = stack.Pop()
fmt.Println(value.(string)) // redPlate
For a more detailled overview of lane, please refer to Documentation