Picking back where we left off in 2021 with unreal engine c++/blueprints coding/learning
Working through Dev Enabled youtube channels UE4 C++ playlist
Using UWidgets in 3d space(not on screen) for health, and showing things like names and information in game(sessions available, client or host)
Added multiplayer lobby, you can "Host" or join/find sessions
Mutliplayer lobby was done by using this tutorial and tweaking it to my needs. https://cedric-neukirchen.net/2021/06/27/ue4-multiplayer-sessions-in-c/
Pull down from bucket
aws s3 cp --recursive s3://<bucket>/Reborn2022/Content Reborn2022/Content
aws s3 cp --recursive s3://<bucket>/Reborn2022/Screenshots Reborn2022/Screenshots
Push to bucket
aws s3 cp --recursive Reborn2022/Content s3://<bucket>/Reborn2022/Content
aws s3 cp --recursive Reborn2022/Screenshots s3://<bucket>/Reborn2022/Screenshots
Or just do a sync
aws s3 sync Reborn2022/Content s3://<bucket>/Reborn2022/Content --delete
aws s3 sync Reborn2022/Screenshots s3://<bucket>/Reborn2022/Screenshots --delete