This project is a basic software about Linked Lists class along with his methods. The aim of this project was to review some C++ code and to improve my very poor knowledge of C++.
int size()
Get list size
void print()
Print list
bool isEmpty()
Return 0 if list is not empty otherwise 1
void remove(int index)
Remove element in the specified position
T get(int index)
Return element at index position
LinkedList* clone()
Create a clone of list and returns it
LinkedList* reverse()
Reverse list and returns it
void append(node value)
Add new element to the end of the list
void prepend(node value)
Add new element on top of the list
void set(int index, node value)
Update element at 'index' position with 'value'
void forEach(void (*func) (node*))
Iterate over each item of the list executing func as callback. The callback has to take a node* as parameter and can be a lambda or a function.
LinkedList slice(int start, int end)
Split array in sub-array from starting index (start) and ending index (end)
Refer to
Jacopo De Gattis