MarsRoverChallenge is a Java project that takes various inputs and uses them to define a plateau and initialise two Rover objects. It then takes instructions on moving the Rovers and outputs their final location and orientation to the terminal. Java documentation can be accessed in the 'Doc' directory where you will find index.html, all methods and classes are further explained there.
The system has been designed so that no installation should be required. Simply compile and run by entering the following commands on a terminal after navigating to the "marsRoverChallenge" Directory:
Followed by
java MarsPlateau
There are 5 lines of required user input (via the command line) and 2 outputs. The required input data is regex checked and is required to be in the form: (Where '1' represents any integer and where "LRM" represents any string made up only of L R, M and whitespace, and where N represents a directional character of N, E, S or W)
Plateau size: 1 1
RoverOne Location: 1 1 N
RoverOne Instructions: LRM
RoverTwo Location: 1 1 N
RoverTwo Instructions: LRM
The program has been unit tested using a TDD approach. In order to run the tests, compile and run by navigating to the "marsRoverTesting" directory in a terminal and entering the following commands:
Followed by
java MarsRoverTest
Also feel free to run and manually test with your own test inputs.