This core will render the mandelbrot set (
a = left, d is right, w is top, s is bottom and z to zoom in, x to zoom out:
Number of iterations, colouring and enable/disable individual compute cores.
To fit 20 compute cores - have set compiler options for area (not speed). Compute cores only enabled whilst calculating a frame (the user LED will flash). Clk set to 175Mhz.
Normal descriptive verilog, provides the state machine and has an array of compute cores (each one having a pipeline to calculate a point) and one "preprocessor pipeline" that translates the screen coordinates into the re/im coordinates for mandelbrot
Created in BSD format (basically it's a schematic that will be translated into the actual logic). There is some nesting (e.g. parts have their own schematic)
- sorgelig and the rest of the team for providing the awesome framework and guidelines
- Al Williams' FPGA bootcamp to get me started:
- Bruce Land for his lectures in general and on what challenges to expect and overcome specifically for mandelbrot
- Jesse Armagos/Eddie Yang for the idea on basic structure the main pipeline