# Gab Clone we have cloned the Gab social network website https://gab.com/ . We have used MERN Stack for this project.
MERN stands for : M - MongoDB, E - Express, R - React, N - Node.js
To create this clone following Tech stack is used by contributors.
- React
- MongoDB
- Express
- Node.js
- Atlas
- mongoose
- React Redux
- React Router Dom
- Fontawesome
- axios
- react-scripts
- styled-components
- react-slick
- uuid
- socket.io
- socket.io-client
- emoji-mart
Clone down this repository using this link
You will need node and npm installed globally on your machine.
First go inside Client, Server & Socket install with npm
npm install
To Run Test Suite: npm test To Start Server: npm start
To Visit App: localhost:3000/