interpreter written in python for a stack based language that uses reverse polish notation.
you can call another file that shares the same stack with @
if, for, while statements can call another file as well.
variables the can be named, fetched and stored
hello world example:
:hello :world .. echo
:4 - adds 4 to the stack
:hello - adds hello to the stack
$hello - fetches the variable hello and adds it to the stack
=hello - set hello to a value from the stack
@hello - run the file with the name hello
echo - prints the last stack item to the console
in - pushes user input
rnd - pops 2 numbers, they specify the random number's min and max values then a random number is added to the stack
info - prints debugging info to the screen
math instructions:
plus - pops 2 numbers, adds them together then pushes the result
minus - pops 2 numbers, subtracts the right number from the left then pushes the result
multiply - pops 2 numbers, multiplies them together then pushes the result
divide - pops 2 numbers, divides the left number by the right then pushes the result
% - pops 2 numbers, pushes the remainder of the left number being divided by the right
** - pops 2 numbers, rises the left number by the right then pushes the result
or - if either of the values are true it evaluatates to true
! - turns a positive number negative and a negative number positive
sqrt - pops a number, pushes the square root of the number
cos - pops a number, pushes the cosine of the number
sin - pops a number, pushes the sine of the number
tan - pops a number, pushes the tangent of the number
dist - pops 4 numbers, x0 y0 x1 y1 pushes the distance between the sets of coordinates
string instructions:
. - pops 2 strings, joins them together then pushes the result
sub - pops 3 strins, pushes the result of a substition regex
rnd_str - pops 1 number, pushes a random string of that length
starts - pops 2 strings, if the first string starts with the second string then it pushes true otherwise it pushes false
ends - pops 2 strings, if the first string ends with the second string then it pushes true otherwise it pushes false
basic instructions:
dup - duplicates the last stack item by adding another to the stack
swap - swaps the last 2 values in the stack
equality instructions:
== - pops 2 values, pushes True onto the stack if the values are equal, else pushes False
!= - pops 2 values, pushes True onto the stack if the values are not equal, else pushes False
< - pops 2 values, pushes True if the left value is less than the right, else pushes False
- pops 2 values, pushes True if the left value is greater than the right, else pushes False
<= - pops 2 values, pushes True if the left value is less than or equal to the right, else pushes False
= - pops 2 values, pushes True if the left value is greater than or equal to the right, else pushes False
looping instructions:
repeat - pops 2 values, the 1st is the amount, the 2nd is the function that will be looped by that amount
for - pops 3 values, the 1st is the memory index of the variable, the 2nd is the number to go to, the 3rd is the address to be looped over, increments variable until its greater or equal to the end variable
while - pops 2 values, the 1st is the memory index of the variable when it is false the loop ends, the 2nd is the file to be looped over
branching instructions:
if - pops 2 values, the first is the condition, if it is true the 2nd value is used as an address of a file to be called
built in memory values:
$true - True
$false - False
$pi - 3.14...
$s - ' ' space to be concatenated onto strings
used to write code:
$: - 'literal'
$@ - 'file_call'
$$ = 'fetch'
$= - 'store'