Currently a simple backup of some config files I care about. This does not do anything fancy, like automated installation or backup. It's just a bunch of copy-pasted files, and a list of programs I usually install using homebrew, etc.
This is for my own benefit. Don't expect to be able to turn this into anything useful for yourself. Maybe one day I'll automate this and it'll be of use to someone else, but today is not that day 😄
For the CLI, I use...
I also use lazygit to interact with git repos without straying too far from the command-line.
- Install homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install oh-my-fish
curl | fish
- Install node-version-manager (NVM)
omf install nvm
- Install programs
chmod +x
- Copy over files from
(take a backup of~/.config
cp -r config ~/.config
- Copy over
cp gitconfig ~/.gitconfig