Library to provide connectivity to the IBM ISIM REST API
Steps required to authenticate:
- Perform a GET request to https://isimserver:port/itim/restlogin/login.jsp to obtain a JSESSIONID
- Perform a POST request to https://isimserver:port/itim/j_security_check passing ISIM credentials via j_username & j_password
- Perform a GET request to https://isimserver:port/itim/rest/systemusers/me which pulls details of the current logged in user along with the required CSRF token needed to perform PUT/POST/DELETE requests
use Noodlehaus\Config;
use ISIM\Connection\ISIMAuth;
//Pass array with username/password/paths
$conn = new ISIMAuth(array('username'=>'user','password'=>'pass','baseURI'=>'https://isim:9082/itim/',