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Zig implementation of Vectors.

Used Zig version v0.10.1
Library version 0.2.1
> About
  • Storing any Zig and C variables inside Vec including Structs, Unions and Enums on heap
  • Super simple iteration
  • Automatic memory allocations, reallocations
  • Uses c allocator by default, no need to pass allocator
> Note

This library is not meant to be a replacement for ArrayList in STD, but rather an alternative. Also, this library is young (see lib version above) and not meant to be in production yet.

Usage example

// build.zig
exe.addPackage( { .name = "vec", .source = .{ .path = "path_to_pkg/VecZig/src/main.zig" } });
  • Then you can anywhere use
// main.zig
const Vec = @import("vec").Vec;

fn main() !void {
	var vec =;
	defer vec.delete();
	// ...


Creating new Vec examples

var vector0 = Vec(type).init();
var vector1 = Vec(i32).init();

// or can be initalized with
var vector2 = Vec(f32).new();

const MY_STRUCT = struct {
	data: i32,

var vector3 = Vec(MY_STRUCT).new();

Freeing Vec

defer vec0.deinit();

// or can be freed with
defer vec1.delete();

Pushing new elements

try vector1.push(1);
try vector3.push(MY_STRUCT { .data = 13, });

Push same value n times

// n times --------------\
// value ------------\   |
//                   |   |
try vector1.populate(10, 10);

Print entire content of Vec into Terminal


Iterate through elements

for (try  vec.iterate()) |element| {
	print("{}", .{ element });

// or by pointer which you can edit
for (try  vec.iterate()) |*element| {
	element.* += 1;
	print("{}", .{ element });

Getting length of Vec

var length = vector1.len;

Check if Vec is empty with

if (vector1.is_empty()) {
	print("Yes its empty", .{});

Removing last element

try vector1.pop();

Removing element by index

try vector1.remove(3);

Edit value by index

// new value -------\
// index -------\   |
//              |   |
try vector1.set(10, 100);

Getting value by index

try vector1.get(10);

Getting pointer to value by index

try vector1.get_ptr(10);

Clearing entire array


Checking if Vec contains value

var result = vector1.contains(13);

Pushing slices

try vector1.insert(&[_] i32 { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });

Concat another arrays with same type

try vector1.append(another_vector);

Reversing order

try vector1.reverse();

Truncate -> shortens the vector

try vector1.truncate(5);

Drain -> Removes range from array and returns it as slice

var slice = try vector1.drain(5, 7);

Swaping values by indexes

try vector1.swap(0, 3);

Getting slice -> slices are returned as Vec(T)

// end at -------------------\
// begin at --------------\  |
//                        |  |
var slice = vector1.slice(0, 5);
defer slice.delete();

Cloning Vec

var new_vector = vector1.clone();

Getting last / first values

var first = try vector1.first();
var last = try vector1.last();

Getting last / first pointers

var first = try vector1.first_ptr();
var last = try vector1.last_ptr();


Vector implementation in Zig







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