A web app to arrange tiles according to specified rules.
Tessellation allows you to upload square images and define how they connect. The app will then try to arrange the tiles into a larger composition adhering to the connection rules. This is similar to the Wang tiles problem.
$ brew install poetry yarn
$ make setup
# pacman -S python-poetry yarn
$ make setup
Install these dependencies manually:
- Python >= 3.10
- yarn
- poetry
Then run:
$ make setup
Start a development server
$ make run
$ make frontend
Create database:
$ make create-user
$ make create-db
Create database tables, superuser, and populate the db with fixtures:
$ make migrate create-superuser populate-db
Start a development server with production settings.
- pwgen
$ make run-prod
make test
make lint
make help
Feel free to remix this project under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later. See COPYING and NOTICE.