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Orchestration Test Spike

Test Spike of Orchestration Methods

Cluster Test Environment

Vagrant will be used to create multiple VM's with networking automatically setup to simulate a real environment.

Server Descriptions

A minimum of 3 servers will be used but the number is configurable depending on the cluster variable in your orka/user_settings.yaml file.

For simplicity, Centos will be used for these clusters. Please note, there is an issue with VirtualBox and Centos that impedes the automatic installation of VB Guest Additions.

Automation VS Orchestration Note

Automation is simply the scripting of certian jobs to remove manual intervention. The difference between that and orchestration is that automation works on a single system. For our purposes and in a lot of online documenation, a single system is defined as one server. That is a convenient if simplistic distinction that will be used to differentiate the 2 terms.

Server and Container Orchestration Note

This project will be testing out methods for server orchestration. The differences between server and container orcestration should be noted. In a containerized environment, a lot of the provisioning applications require is performed in the container setup.

However, even if containers were used the underlying servers would still require an orchestration method to control necessary non-container aspects of the system. The orchestration of containers requires a separate solution than what we are currently looking at here.

Theoretically VM's may be automatically provisioned depending on the needs of required containers. These could then also be destroyed automatically to produce an immutable system. Both SaltStack and Ansible offer some support for this aspect of orchestration and it may be useful to extend this project to test those features as well.


The SaltStack orchestration test spike is utilizing an agent setup with gpg keys shared between master and nodes. After a vagrant up --provision the following commands will show the simple orchestration of a Salt highstate (full server provision).

vagrant ssh orka-master --command "sudo salt '*'"
vagrant ssh orka-master --command "sudo salt '*' state.apply"
vagrant ssh orka-master --command "sudo salt-run state.orchestrate orch.secondary"

SaltStack GUI

For giggles, I have setup the SaltStack GUI project on the master to experiment with non CLI Salt orchestration.

SaltStack GUI


The Ansible orchestration test spike is utilizing an agentless setup with gpg keys shared between master and nodes. After a vagrant up --provision the following commands will show the simple orchestration of a simple playbook.

vagrant ssh ansible-master --command "sudo ansible all -m ping"
vagrant ssh ansible-master --command "sudo ansible-playbook /opt/orka/ansible/config/playbook.yml"

Ansible Tower

Ansible Tower (AT) is a GUI for managing and monitoring of Ansible nodes. There is a trial license that will allow the setup of Ansible Tower with a limit of 10 nodes and no LDAP integration.

Tower requires a minimum of 4GB memory. The ansible-master server has been altered to accomadate.

Access to AT requires setup of the admin account credentials. This will require some manual setup:

vagrant ssh ansible-master
sudo awx-manage changepassword admin

Login URL:


While logging in, you will be prompted for a license you can download from Ansible. The AT GUI will then require a few manual steps to setup.

An example remote command executed against a node:

Ansible Tower Example


For simple tasks, the full blown SaltStack or Ansible solutions are too much for what amounts to simple bash of python scripts. It is possible to get limited orchestration with a reusable Python project. This test spike will act as the bridge between Bamboo and the orchestration server. A packaged python project that encompasses common tasks to prevent code duplication.


Test Spike of Orchestration Methods







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