This is meant to kickstart anyone who wants to setup a ci/cd pipline. It is a simple project containing the basic nestjs source code.
- Create your application.
- Ensure you have a build script in your package.json as shown below
"name": "ci-cd-sample",
"version": "0.0.1",
"scripts": {
"build": "nest build",
"start:prod": "node dist/main"
In the example above the build script is "nest build" run with by the command "build".
- Ensure that the package.json also has a run script that is able to run your built code.
In the example above it is represented by the "node dist/main" which is run by the "start:prod" command. You can manually test the steps above to see if they are working correctly then proceed with the rest. It is important to test at every step so that you are certain that the program runs before moving to later steps.
- Create a Dockerfile that incorporates your build and run step as shown below. Also ensure that you have a .dockerignore file
FROM node:16.14
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN npm install -g pnpm
COPY package*.json ./
COPY pnpm-lock.yaml ./
RUN pnpm install
COPY . .
RUN pnpm run build
CMD pnpm run start:prod
Our build step is run then our run step is run as shown in the last two lines
You should test whether docker file is able to build correctly. Example is as shown below
This builds a docker image using the Dockerfile in the current folder.
docker build ./
This runs the docker image an example is shown below of how it would look like with the correct values.
docker run -d --env-file=<environment-variable-file-name>.env -p <internal_docker_port>:<machine_port> <docker_image_id>
docker run -d --env-file=.env -p 5000:5000 e31f4c2694445e8b3d38a09ca8847a7ecb2c956fc10fbaf3932ec9a71df9177d
- If everything works upto that point then you can proceed to build using cloud build by using the following commands.
gcloud builds submit .
gcloud builds submit .
- Try it locally using docker
docker run -d --env-file=.env -p 5000:5000
- Create a cloudbuid.yaml file to specify how to build using docker
- name: ''
args: ['build', '-t', '${PROJECT_ID}/practise/ci-cd:1.0', '.']
to run it locally just follow instructions on step 7
- Create a docker-compose.yml as shown below
version: '3.1'
PORT: 5000
MONGODB_URI: mongodb://root:example@dev-db:27017/
ESPADA: "Coyote Stark"
- dev-db
- 5000:5000
image: mongo
restart: always
- To run the docker compose file run
docker-compose up -d
- To check the status of the container run
docker-compose ps
to get the docker containers that are running 4. The run
docker-compose logs <container id>
to get the logs for the container 5. To shut down the docker containers
docker-compose down