Ansible-role-ofbiz is an Ansible role that installs Apache OFBiz on Linux operating systems (Debian, Ubuntu, and Arch Linux).
- {role: ofbiz,
ofbiz_version: "17.12.07"}
After Apache OFBiz is installed by this Ansible role:
Switch to the user 'ofbiz':
su -l ofbiz
Change the directory to 'current':
cd ~/current
Prepare Apache OFBiz (may take time):
./gradlew cleanAll
Load Apache OFBiz data and create the admin user (first time only):
./gradlew "ofbiz --load-data readers=seed,seed-initial" loadAdminUserLogin -PuserLoginId=admin
The command above will load the data:
- seed: Apache OFBiz and External Seed Data, generic config, permission, help screens
- seed-initial: Apache OFBiz and external seed data
- ext: External general data
Run Apache OFBiz:
./gradlew ofbiz
Visit Apache OFBiz through your browser:
By default, you can log in with the user 'admin' and password 'ofbiz'.