A templatable data cleaning pipeline, extracting the path to a csv file then cleaning the given information
Fork and download this repo
Use the Google SDK prompt (download if needed), move to folder of repo and to create a template, input:
python run_pipeline.py --requirements_file requirements.txt --runner DataflowRunner --staging_location gs://bucket/staging/location --temp_location gs://bucket/temp/location --template_location gs://bucket/template/location/name --project project-name --extra_package ./beam_utils/dist/beam_utils-0.0.4.zip
-Upon launching the template within the dataflow console, first it will be necessary to input the template in the custom template gcs path:
within the Additional parameters it will be possible to input:
- path : gs://path/to/file
- source : source-name
Requires Authentication
An Example can be seen here