My dotfiles for ZSH, tmux and vim, influenced by many, particularly Greg Hurrell.
- Target platforms: macOS
- Setup method: shell script based on Mike McQuaid's, plays nice with strap.
- Create an SSH key
- Clone the repo
git clone .... .dotfiles
- Run
after checkout. (Warning: setup will nuke the newly created SSH key) - Run
brew bundle --file=.dotfiles/Brewfile
This will symlink everything in this directory to your home directory.
Characteristics include:
- Sane Vim pasting via bracketed paste mode.
- Write access to local clipboard from local and remote hosts, inside and outside of tmux (via Clipper).
- Full mouse support (pane/split resizing, scrolling, text selection) in Vim and tmux.
- Focus/lost events for Vim inside tmux.
- Cursor shape toggles on entering Vim.
- Italics in the terminal.
- Conservative Vim configuration (very few overrides of core functionality; most changes are unobtrusive enhancements; some additional functionality exposed via
mappings. - Relatively restrained Zsh config
Prompt is a minimal fork of Pure.
Convenient Zsh features/functions include:
fzf file search- ?? fzf + git
- ?? fasd
A brief list of important dependencies, listed in full in the Brewfile
- Alacritty, the fastest terminal emulator.
- tmux 2.X or later.
- Neovim 0.3 or later.
- Zsh 5.6 or later.
- Git
- Clipper for transparent access to the local system clipboard
- Fixed-width font that includes the Powerline glyphs.
- see
Unless otherwise noted, the contents of this repo are in the public domain. See the LICENSE for details.
This repo is maintained by James Ramsay.
With thanks to:
- Greg Hurrell for his helpful YouTube series
- Mike McQuaid for his tidy repo and simple setup scripts