Originally my site was 100% static and generated by Hugo (the repo is also public). However, I was having problems getting my head around deploying Elixir apps with Distillery, so I quickly ported my site to a new Phoenix application to learn how. Since then it's become my test-bed for anything new that I want to learn.
It doesn't get as much love as it should — both new content and new features — but over time I'd like to use it to explore what a flat-file CMS might look like when built with Elixir. Statamic remains one of my favourite CMS' both to build for and use, so I'd like to see if I can capture a little of that magic and bring it to Elixir.
Fun fact: This project was called "Cali" because naming things is hard, and "Dani California" by Red Hot Chilli Peppers came on...